Guatemala prefabricated sockets ?

Jake Wood, CP



Guatemala prefabricated sockets ?


Jake Wood, CP


Need recommendations!

Recently I wrote I was going to Guatemala with Hearts In Motion ( a
nonprofit medical care charitable organization ). Thinking I was just going
down to assess the situation on providing prosthetic care to the needy, I
ended up coming back with four transradial casts, measuring one transtibial
and measuring nine transfemoral amputees.

I could not leave Guatemala without doing something. Does anyone know of any
manufacturers of prefabricated B/K and A/K sockets? I know 6 to 8 years ago I
was fitting A/K adjustable socket preparatories on my patients. I called a
few suppliers recently and they stated they do not make the sockets anymore.

My short term goal is to fit these prefabricated sockets. I am trying to
arrange for these limbs to be fabricate in which I will travel to Guatemala
again in February 2003. One major charitable organization has initially
stated they will try and help. I am trying to arrange component through them.
I do not believe they have prefabricated sockets.

Long term goal is to work with Hearts In Motion and build a free O&P
clinic. They will be putting up a rehab building where the O&P office will be
set up.

Thanks to all of you that responded with recommendations and your experiences
in working third world countries.


Jake R. Wood C.P., F.A.A.O.P.

O&P Associates, Inc. O&P
Associates, Inc.
10101 Innovation Dr., Suite 500 1111
Delafield Ave., Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Waukesha, WI 53186
414-257-9898 (fax)
262-436-0073 (fax)



Jake Wood, CP, “Guatemala prefabricated sockets ?,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 25, 2025,