hand tools
zach harvey
hand tools
zach harvey
I'm looking for the following hand tools. Please let me know if you have some of these lying around, the condition, and what you are asking for them. Thanks, Zach Harvey, CO, BEP
VACP calipers, bending irons, cascade cutting strip, pry tool (for shoes), pipe cutter, skiving knives, hole punch, 4mm ball driver, 10 shears, ML gauge, ritz stick
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VACP calipers, bending irons, cascade cutting strip, pry tool (for shoes), pipe cutter, skiving knives, hole punch, 4mm ball driver, 10 shears, ML gauge, ritz stick
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Paul E. Prusakowski,CPO at <Email Address Redacted>
OANDP-L is a forum for the discussion of topics
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zach harvey, “hand tools,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 23, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/219991.