Unlisted Procedure Reimbursements with Noridian
Paula Rogerson-Doherty
Unlisted Procedure Reimbursements with Noridian
Paula Rogerson-Doherty
Wondering if any other providers are experiencing problems with Noridian pricing Unlisted procedure codes and suggestions on who to address this to?
We have recently had claims coming back with payments of less than the invoice charge we submitted from the manufacturer.
I am not referring to MSRP but actual invoice for a specific feature/product that gets classified as a 999 code.
The codes were covered under reconsideration based on Medical Necessity but I have never had these issues where we weren't at minimum reimbursed the invoice charge from manufacturer.
We are now being instructed to submit second level appeal to review the pricing - the pricing should have been appropriately addressed on the first appeal.
I do appreciate the frustration of 999 codes and am not looking for a debate about using them or not but am looking to see if anyone else has had to address this matter or if anyone has suggestions of whom to contact on a higher level to discuss the problem? IC formula's with other insurers are not perfect but at least you get your material costs covered, Noridian isn't even covering the material cost.
Any experience or suggestions on addressing this problem are appreciated.
I would love to know if anyone has any good contacts at Noridian who actually try to help versus customer service response of submit another appeal.
Thank you
Paula Rogerson-Doherty
Business & Administrative Manager
Rogerson Orthotics & Prosthetics
P: (617) 268-1135
F: (617)269-3373
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Wondering if any other providers are experiencing problems with Noridian pricing Unlisted procedure codes and suggestions on who to address this to?
We have recently had claims coming back with payments of less than the invoice charge we submitted from the manufacturer.
I am not referring to MSRP but actual invoice for a specific feature/product that gets classified as a 999 code.
The codes were covered under reconsideration based on Medical Necessity but I have never had these issues where we weren't at minimum reimbursed the invoice charge from manufacturer.
We are now being instructed to submit second level appeal to review the pricing - the pricing should have been appropriately addressed on the first appeal.
I do appreciate the frustration of 999 codes and am not looking for a debate about using them or not but am looking to see if anyone else has had to address this matter or if anyone has suggestions of whom to contact on a higher level to discuss the problem? IC formula's with other insurers are not perfect but at least you get your material costs covered, Noridian isn't even covering the material cost.
Any experience or suggestions on addressing this problem are appreciated.
I would love to know if anyone has any good contacts at Noridian who actually try to help versus customer service response of submit another appeal.
Thank you
Paula Rogerson-Doherty
Business & Administrative Manager
Rogerson Orthotics & Prosthetics
P: (617) 268-1135
F: (617)269-3373
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Paula Rogerson-Doherty, “Unlisted Procedure Reimbursements with Noridian,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/255743.