Knee Brace Migration

Rajiv Kalsi



Knee Brace Migration


Rajiv Kalsi




Hello. I have a patient using a Thuasne Premier Reliever 1 knee brace. She has to wear a full-length compression stocking on that side, and finds that the knee brace slips down because of the smoothness of the stocking. Has anyone found a good solution to prevent this from happening? I've tried silicon backed strap pads but they don't help. Someone suggested using hockey stick wax on the liners of the brace..anyone tried that?



Rajiv Kalsi, C.O.(c)

Certified Orthotist, Prosthetics/Orthotics Service

Orthésiste Certifié, Service de prothèses et d'orthèses

The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre
Centre de réadaptation de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa
505, ch. Smyth Road, Ottawa ON K1H 8M2

T: 613-737-7350, 75314 | F: 613-523-1571

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Rajiv Kalsi, “Knee Brace Migration,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 9, 2025,