PT educational opportunities for prosthetic rehab

Doug Jack



PT educational opportunities for prosthetic rehab


Doug Jack




My listserv question was:


Does anyone know if there are continuing education opportunities in
prosthetic rehabilitation geared towards physical therapists? I have a
physical therapist with 20 years of gait training experience and she's
wondering if there are any advanced PT courses geared towards prosthetics or
if there would be any value to her attending a AOPA or AAOP meeting. Your
opinion is welcome.





We (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) are offering a Lower Limb
Prosthetics Course geared toward Physical Therapists next March. We do so
about every 2-3 years. I cannot find the listing on our website, but your
therapist may directly contact Mellisa Kolski (cc'd) in order to find
additional information.


Currently we are set for March 17-19th & it typically runs 2.5 days.

It is not listed on the website bc the agenda is not set, but our full
course calendar will be up shortly with dates.

She can always contact me in the future if questions.


Robert D. Lipschutz, CP

Clinical Practice Leader, Certified Prosthetist Prosthetics & Orthotics
Clinical Center Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

312-238-4137 Direct

<Email Address Redacted>



-I only know of Robert Gailey's courses. But, they're excellent for PT's
and CP's.


-Anything Bob Gailey!


-Check with Bob Gaily in Florida. He is a PT and specializes in prosthetic
gait and offers courses. I'm not sure of the spelling of his last name.


-Have her speak to Bob Gailey PHD,PT


-I saw your post on the list serv. My company provides course material for
the O&P community to present to physical therapists.

If you are trying to reach new referral sources or protect the ones you
currently have our program is worth taking a look at.

I have a Webinar that explains what my company does and how an
education-based-marketing-platform works. The presentation is free and
practitioners will earn 1.5 CEUs from either the ABC or BOC for
participating. The Webinar is live, and takes about an hour. Just reply
to this email and I'll be in touch about scheduling a date and time
convenient for you.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Tom McGovern

Managing Partner

Clinical Education Concepts < <URL Redacted>>



-AAOP has approved one credit per hour of neural correlation training using
appied O&P technology. Michael Wilson cpo


-contact John Fergerson CPO, San Antonio, TX. He's been working on some.


- Ossur academy orlando

-Bob Gailey classes are great for higher activity level gait training.



Thanks for the responses,



Doug Jack, CPO

Northern Care, Inc.

Prosthetics & Orthotics

<Email Address Redacted>

210 Windward Way

Kalispell, MT 59901

406-755-6322 phone

406-755-6324 fax


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Doug Jack, “PT educational opportunities for prosthetic rehab,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 1, 2024,