Typical cost of a partial hand prosthesis

Jeff Erenstone



Typical cost of a partial hand prosthesis


Jeff Erenstone




There is a story that been proliferated it in the media. The story is that
a typical prosthetic hand cost $40,000 to $80,000 dollars. In this story
the price of a partial hand prosthesis is commonly compared to 3D printed
partial hands which cost $50 dollars in materials.

 The NBC's Today Show just did a segment where they made this claim....
<URL Redacted>

The claim can be seen at time stamp 3:50 min....
Typically in the past kids would have to pay $40 to $80 thousand dollars
to get a prosthetic hand.

I would like to survey as many Prosthetists are possible and confirm or
disprove this as the typical cost of a partial hand prosthesis.

Please report the...
1. Types of partial hand prosthesis that you have provided
2. The number of times you have provided this device
3. The age of the Amputee it was provided to
4. Charge you billed (with insurance discount applied) rounded to the
closest thousand.

Please don't include any identifying information. I would like this
informal survey to be anonymous.

You can either send me an email at <Email Address Redacted> or load the
information directly into a spreadsheet at....

<URL Redacted>

If you email me, I will not report any information about who provide the

There are some Myoelectric partial hands in the market that can cost in the
range of the cost that were presented on the Today Show. If you have fit
one of these devices (especially to a child), please include the
information in this survey.

thank you

Jeff Erenstone CPO
Mountain O and P Services
7 Old Military Road
Lake Placid NY 12946


Phone (518) 523-2419
Fax (518) 523-7192



Jeff Erenstone, “Typical cost of a partial hand prosthesis,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed May 17, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/237049.