Partial foot prosthesis manufacturer

Rachel Sidle



Partial foot prosthesis manufacturer


Rachel Sidle




I had a patient come in today with his partial foot prosthesis that is
about 20 years old and he wants a new one exactly like it. Since then pf
prostheses are more appealing but he wants this same style because of
function and durability. Does any one know what manufacturer might have
made it? It is about 8 tall, flexible around his leg, SACH foot toes, rear
entry with 2 velcro straps that wrap around, and used to have a skin on the
outside that has since worn off.

Please help.

Rachel Sidle, CPO
Spears P&O
Memphis, TN

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Rachel Sidle, “Partial foot prosthesis manufacturer,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 25, 2025,