Announce program schedule

Dianne Farabi



Announce program schedule


Dianne Farabi




Uniendos Fronteras/ISPO/Ecuador Program Announcement


Overcoming Physical Disability Program Announcement

JW Marriott—Quito, Ecuador­—October 19-22, 2014


The < <URL Redacted>> 6th Uniting Frontiers Forum will
take place in Quito, Ecuador, the first city declared by UNESCO as a World
Heritage Site. At 9,350 feet, Quito offers geographical beauty, 18th century
architecture, and a vivid tradition and culture.

The October 19-22, 2014 event is organized by ISPO Ecuador in collaboration
with < <URL Redacted>> Uniendo Fronteras,
< <URL Redacted>> ISPO USA and Ecuador. The J.W. Marriott
Hotel will be hosting the Uniting Frontiers Forum, the sixth of its kind
following similar events in < > Panama,
< > Guatemala,
< > Costa Rica,
< > Dominican Republic and
< > Mexico.


The program offers a multidisciplinary international learning platform in
disciplines related to disability. Participants will learn and share their
experiences and expertise in the fields of prosthetics, orthotics,
orthopedics and physical rehabilitation in general.

Notable speakers include Orthopedic Surgeons Dr. John Bowker (Professor
Emeritus, Department of Orthopaedics, Miller School of Medicine; Miami,
Florida), Dr. Frank Gottschalk (Professor, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, University of Texas; Dallas, Texas), Dr. José Miguel Gómez,
LO,(Developer of Gomez Orthotic Systems and Founder of Laboratorio Gilete in
Bogota, Colombia) and Dr. Esteban Halogen; AAOP President Phillip M Stevens
MEd, CPO, FAAOP; FlexFoot Inventor Van Phillips; ISPO Executive Board
Members Laura Burgess, PT, (Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist at Imperial
College Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom)and Rosie Jované, OP; US-ISPO
Chairman, Jon Batzdorff, CPO, and P&O Educator Mónica Castaneda, BSc, (Head
of Distance Learning, Universidad Don Bosco Rehabilitation Services, El

Program highlights will include surgical and post-surgery innovations
related to amputee care, orthotic concepts, physical therapy and gait
management, advancement of prosthetics sockets using 3-D printing, Team
Approach to O & P Services. The Code of Conduct for worldwide O & P Services
will be addressed by a panel of experts to discuss what are appropriate
approaches to maximize the effectiveness of humanitarian and development

Registration includes welcome reception, event participation, coffee breaks,
lunches, workshops, and headphones for simultaneous translation.

Optional Tours:

Who could resist the opportunity to visit the Middle of the World (Mitad del
Mundo) and have your picture taken as you straddle the equator! This complex
commemorates the site where a French explorer calculated the world’s
equatorial line and is a fun day trip from Quito. The visit to Mitered del
Mundo is followed by dinner at the Monastery Mercedarios in the historic
center of Quito, with dancers and musicians highlighting the Country’s
(Tuesday afternoon)

Situated in the Pacific Ocean 1,000 km from the South American continent,
the Galápagos Islands and surrounding marine reserve have been called a
unique ‘living museum and showcase of evolution’. Located at the confluence
of three ocean currents, the Galápagos are a ‘melting pot’ of marine
species. Ongoing seismic and volcanic activity reflects the processes that
formed the islands. These processes, together with the extreme isolation of
the islands, led to the development of unusual animal life – such as the
land iguana, the giant tortoise and the many types of finch – that inspired
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection following his
visit in 1835.
(Pre- or post-conference tours available)

The room block at the Marriott is available until July 31. To reserve your
room online and to register for the Forum, please visit >

To contact the US Member Society you may call (614)659-0197, email at
<mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> <Email Address Redacted> or visit the
website: < >





Dianne Farabi, “Announce program schedule,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,