Results from Survey for Prosthetists for Senior Design Project
Cara Negri
Results from Survey for Prosthetists for Senior Design Project
Cara Negri
Thank you to the 95 participants in the survey for Prosthetists regarding
design of products in our industry for a senior design project. The results
were as followed.
1) In regards to product development, the most important area for the
industry to improve prosthetic devices is
Interface Materials- 49.47%
Fabrication Process- 16.84%
Components- 7.37% 7
Feet- 1.05% 1
Knees- 3.16% 3
Other (please specify)- 22.11%
If Other was chosen, the respondent was asked for additional comments. The
responses were as follows:
- suspension-no pistoning and simple
- assessing the outcomes/validity of devices
- K2 level simple inexpensive stance yeilding microprocessor controlled
- Upper Extremity
- Suspension mechanism
- socket design
- Neurocorrelation coefficients
- interface design-not materials
- Interface Design
- Lower costs of products, especially MPKs
- Socket fitting consistency
- Upper extremity
- HD terminal devices
- Sockets the connection between prosthesis and human.
- socket design
- good k-2 knee
- discerning product to patient match
- More indepth training for Prosthetists students
- volume self accomodating sockets
- Interface and suspension methods
2) I expect a transtibial socket to maintain a comfortable fit for
a) 1-2 years- 23.16%
b) 2-3 years- 33.68%
c) 3-4 years- 12.63%
d) 4-5 years- 4.21%
e) More than 5 years- 3.16%
f) Other (please specify)- 23.16%
If Other was chosen, the respondent was asked for additional comments. The
responses were as follows:
- This is a difficult question to answer, as it depends alot on where the
amputee is (new amputee vs older residual limb)
- it just varies too much to set a time range
- maintaining fit is always dependent on residual limb maturity and patinet
weight gain and loss
- depends upon patient anatomiical changes, not universal
- Differs depending on age of amputation and weight change
- New amputee 1-2 yrs- seasoned-3-5 yrs
- Depends on unique histological dynamics
- 6-12 months for a new amputee and 12-18months for a mature lim
- Too many patient variables
- as long as there is no pysiologic change to teh pateint
- It depends on many things - age of amputee (child or adult) how long
since amputation you can expect the residual limb to lose volume as it
- I don't have a preconceived expectation. Patients limbs change at
different rates.
- Initial socket while limb is changing... 6mo to a year, definitive socket
on mature limb... 3 years ideally
- Patient dependent
- Depends on the patient's weight/volume changes
- deoebds ib age of limb and lifestyle
- Too many factors to predict ever
- 5-6 years was the lifespan of a prosthesis in the 1960s
- depends on the patient being fit, and the age of the patient. A less
active patient the socket should fit for a longer period of time vs an
active patient.
- depends on how new the pt is/rate of volume fluctuation
- Too many variables to predict.
- Depends on the patient. Weight fluctuation and limb volume changes vary
greatly patient to patient.
The responses from questions 3-5 to follow in part 2 of this post.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact
Best regards,
Cara Negri, CP
<Email Address Redacted>
*P** P**lease consider the environment before printing this e-mail.*
design of products in our industry for a senior design project. The results
were as followed.
1) In regards to product development, the most important area for the
industry to improve prosthetic devices is
Interface Materials- 49.47%
Fabrication Process- 16.84%
Components- 7.37% 7
Feet- 1.05% 1
Knees- 3.16% 3
Other (please specify)- 22.11%
If Other was chosen, the respondent was asked for additional comments. The
responses were as follows:
- suspension-no pistoning and simple
- assessing the outcomes/validity of devices
- K2 level simple inexpensive stance yeilding microprocessor controlled
- Upper Extremity
- Suspension mechanism
- socket design
- Neurocorrelation coefficients
- interface design-not materials
- Interface Design
- Lower costs of products, especially MPKs
- Socket fitting consistency
- Upper extremity
- HD terminal devices
- Sockets the connection between prosthesis and human.
- socket design
- good k-2 knee
- discerning product to patient match
- More indepth training for Prosthetists students
- volume self accomodating sockets
- Interface and suspension methods
2) I expect a transtibial socket to maintain a comfortable fit for
a) 1-2 years- 23.16%
b) 2-3 years- 33.68%
c) 3-4 years- 12.63%
d) 4-5 years- 4.21%
e) More than 5 years- 3.16%
f) Other (please specify)- 23.16%
If Other was chosen, the respondent was asked for additional comments. The
responses were as follows:
- This is a difficult question to answer, as it depends alot on where the
amputee is (new amputee vs older residual limb)
- it just varies too much to set a time range
- maintaining fit is always dependent on residual limb maturity and patinet
weight gain and loss
- depends upon patient anatomiical changes, not universal
- Differs depending on age of amputation and weight change
- New amputee 1-2 yrs- seasoned-3-5 yrs
- Depends on unique histological dynamics
- 6-12 months for a new amputee and 12-18months for a mature lim
- Too many patient variables
- as long as there is no pysiologic change to teh pateint
- It depends on many things - age of amputee (child or adult) how long
since amputation you can expect the residual limb to lose volume as it
- I don't have a preconceived expectation. Patients limbs change at
different rates.
- Initial socket while limb is changing... 6mo to a year, definitive socket
on mature limb... 3 years ideally
- Patient dependent
- Depends on the patient's weight/volume changes
- deoebds ib age of limb and lifestyle
- Too many factors to predict ever
- 5-6 years was the lifespan of a prosthesis in the 1960s
- depends on the patient being fit, and the age of the patient. A less
active patient the socket should fit for a longer period of time vs an
active patient.
- depends on how new the pt is/rate of volume fluctuation
- Too many variables to predict.
- Depends on the patient. Weight fluctuation and limb volume changes vary
greatly patient to patient.
The responses from questions 3-5 to follow in part 2 of this post.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact
Best regards,
Cara Negri, CP
<Email Address Redacted>
*P** P**lease consider the environment before printing this e-mail.*
Cara Negri, “Results from Survey for Prosthetists for Senior Design Project,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 7, 2025,