Responses: Latex Transtibial B/K Suspension Sleeves



Responses: Latex Transtibial B/K Suspension Sleeves


Re: Latex Transtibial B/K Suspension Sleeves
Dear Listserv Members:
The following is a summary of the responses to my Original Post as follows:
July 18, 2011 - I am trying to determine if there is anyone anyone still
selling and/or manufacturing Latex Transtibial B/K Suspension Sleeves?

If so and you are using them, are you pleased with the quality and
durability of the latex sleeves?
Thanks for whatever input you can give!
John N. Billock, CPO/L
O&P Rehab Engineering Centre
Warren, Ohio USA

1. The first response was from Gary Mahler, President, of PEL Supply, who
apparently is one of the few providers of Natural Latex/Rubber Knee
Suspension Sleeves. They are sold in 11 different sizes and you can visit their
web site at < > for additional information.
2. Janet Lazar, Sales Manager of ESP suggested trying their Latex Free
Neoprene suspension sleeve called the FlexiSleeve, which are pre-flexed at 43
degrees and carry a 3 month warranty. Sizing information is available on
their web site at < > and are sold through several
3. John, in the very beginning of suspension sleeves (30+ years ago) Otto
Bock made one for their BK swim prosthesis that was being used for PTBs
and there was one made by ATCO. The Otto Bock one was prone to pin holes and
then failure.
Al Pike, CP
4. Cascade sells regular and heavy duty rubber suspension sleeves. I assume
 they are latex. I have one patient who uses them, and loves them. They
seem to be of fairly decent quality.
Warren R Mays, CPO
5. Hello, I buy POR brand from OrtoPed in Canada, and have one client still
 using them. Just a matter of preference for him I guess. He uses about 6-8
  per year and is very careful with their use.
Markus Saufferer, C.P.(c)

6. I have a VA patient who likes them for the feeling of tightness that
they give. I have been trying to steer him into trying better and more
durable sleeves for a while and to some extent have succeeded, he still likes
to have a latex one as a fallback. At the time I worked for Hangers, and
they use SPS for the majority of supplies, so check with SPS,they will advise.
The part number is something like..... HD 1.5 Latex suspension sleeve. I
supplied these earlier this year.
Harry Browne.CP

7. I believe the manufacturer has stopped making them. I have two that are
at least 10 years old and I still use them for water sports. They still
work great. Please let me know if they are being manufactured by someone else.
Jack Richmond, Transtibial Amputee
8. I have one patient who is still using them and I believe we get them
from Pel. We have had quite a time trying to find something to replace the
Latex as they do not hold up as well as they did years ago. Pt. is a lot
less active, but a month is about all he gets on average.
Pat Peick CPO
9. Otto Bock still manufactures, which is used for its bathing/swimming
BB Mohanty

Many Thanks to those above for your replies!!
John N. Billock, CPO/L
O&P Rehab Engineering Centre
Warren, Ohio USA



“Responses: Latex Transtibial B/K Suspension Sleeves,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 24, 2025,