Re: US Politics - California OP Crisis

Bryce W.A. Docherty



Re: US Politics - California OP Crisis


Bryce W.A. Docherty




Nice and tight!! Beating up more legislators on this in 10 minutes!!!

Bryce W.A. Docherty
President & CEO
The Docherty Group
1231 I Street, Suite 203
Sacramento, California 95814
Telephone (916) 446-4343
Fax (916) 446-4333
E-Mail <Email Address Redacted>

On Mar 22, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Ralph W. Nobbe < <Email Address Redacted>
> wrote:

> The California Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (COPA) has
> embarked upon an aggressive campaign to vigorously oppose the
> elimination of O&P services in the state's Medi-Cal Program.
> Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's budget for the fiscal year
> beginning July 1, 2010 includes the elimination of all optional Medi-
> Cal (California's Medicaid program) benefit categories. The
> following benefits are slated for elimination: Hearing Aids,
> Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Orthotics, Independent
> Rehabilitation Facilities, Outpatient Heroin Detoxification, Medical
> Supplies, Prosthetics, Durable Medical Equipment. This benefit
> elimination earmarks approximately $552 million in total payment
> reductions for all optional benefit categories.
> Medi-Cal payments to providers for Orthotics and Prosthetics
> represented approximately $20 million dollars in 2008. This
> represents .05% of the overall Medi-Cal budget of $40 billion. This
> also includes the federal matching dollars received. Lastly, the
> orthotic and prosthetic benefit portion ONLY represents 3.6% of the
> overall scored savings for eliminating ALL the optional benefits
> (i.e. $20 million of $552 million).
> The California Department of Health Care Services (CDHCS) fact sheet
> states, “California is facing a multi-billion dollar shortfall, and
> Medi-Cal, as the second largest General Fund expenditure after educa
> tion, must be part of the effort to reduce state costs. These action
> s will reduce the services provided under these programs and will th
> erefore reduce Medi-Cal expenditures.” The CDHCS further continues,
> “There would be opposition to this proposal by advocates, provider g
> roups, and welfare rights organization. The opposition may indicate
> that this eliminates critical care for beneficiaries, may cause comp
> lications with existing medical conditions, and may cause additional
> expense if beneficiaries seek these services in an emergency room s
> etting. Opposing groups may also indicate that the elimination of th
> e disposable medical supply benefit will cause a significant number
> of patients, currently managing conditions such as ostomies, diabete
> s, tracheostomy, and/or IV therapy at home, to shift the management
> of these chronic conditions to acute or long-term care facilities, t
> hus overburdening the resources of these systems of care. El
> iminating access to medical supplies from pharmacies and medical sup
> ply providers may likely result in a cost shift to Emergency Rooms,
> Acute Care Facilities, and Nursing Facilities to the extent that ben
> eficiaries exhaust their ability to purchase and replenish the dispo
> sable supply items.” The CDHCS fact sheet wil
> l be available shortly on
> In addition to COPA's individual efforts to prevent elimination of
> O&P in Medi-Cal – we are also part of a larger coalition representin
> g ALL effected optional benefit medical providers and stakeholders.
> This coalition has hired a very high profile public affairs and medi
> a firm to coordinate the overall outreach and media campaign. This e
> ffort will be expensive and has just begun.
> The response of O&P national organizations has been unprecedented.
> The Amputee Coalition of America (ACA), the American Orthotic and
> Prosthetic Association (AOPA) and the American Academy of Orthotists
> and Prosthetists (AAOP) have all provided immediate access to their
> resources and their assistance to battle the elimination of Orthotic
> and Prosthetic benefits under Medi-Cal.
> Individual COPA members and board members including: Jeff Collins
> with Cascade Orthopedic Supply, COPA Board member Harry JR Brandt,
> BOCO, COPA Board member Kel Bergmann, CPO with SCOPe, COPA Board
> member Bob Jensen, CPO with Lawrence Orthopedic and Jeff Zeller, CP
> with Spectrum Prosthetics have already initiated personal and vital
> outreach to key legislators, media, advocacy groups, consumers and
> other medical associations. <URL Redacted>
> The national healthcare debate has consumed significant attention
> and driven the recent health agenda. The national legislative
> decisions will NOT impact, nor alter, California's immediate
> dilemma. More importantly, it is felt that many of the unfunded
> federal mandates may exacerbate California's crisis.
> COPA anticipates an initial legislative hearing before the
> respective Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees on Health
> shortly (possibly as early as 3/25). Other pertinent committee
> hearings will rapidly follow and will be determined by the outcomes
> of the Health Subcommittees hearings. COPA is targeting key
> legislators for direct, personal appeals.
> All COPA efforts will be coordinated by its Executive Director,
> Bryce Docherty. He was instrumental in the successful 2006 campaign
> for, passage and implementation of, AB2012 – California's parity leg
> islation. His past positions at the California Medical Association h
> ave served COPA well in building dialogue and rapport with other key
> medical association groups.
> Bryce W.A. Docherty
> California Orthotics & Prosthetics Association
> 1231 I Street, Suite 203
> Sacramento, California 95814
> Telephone (916) 446-4343
> Fax (916) 446-4333
> E-Mail <Email Address Redacted>
> Website
> Recent tragic events have focused considerable recent media
> attention upon the orthotic and prosthetic community and its
> potentials to restore function and individual dignity. However, our
> industry's limited resources remain in constant, heavy demand. Your
> PAC contributions are now truly needed and vital to this effort in
> California. COPA's resources are limited and every single dollar
> helps. A contribution form is available at: <URL Redacted>
> Several COPA member firms have already answered the immediate,
> urgent call for additional COPA PAC contributions and include:
> Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics ($5,000), Nobbe Orthopedics ($1,500)
> and Breakey Prosthetics ($1,000). This will continue to be an “all h
> ands on deck” effort that has only just begun.
> Your ongoing support and interest are vital to the successful
> retention of orthotic and prosthetic benefits under California's
> Medi-Cal program. COPA will need a grass roots effort in the near
> future and you can further assist us by signing up for and
> responding to email alerts here: <URL Redacted>
> A final and important note: California at present is not a licensed
> state. Under California's Health and Safety Code Medi-Cal payments
> for Orthotic and Prosthetic services can ONLY be rendered to
> providers certified by the American Board for Certification in
> Orthotics and Prosthetics (ABC) or the Board for Orthotist
> Certification (BOC).
> Sincerely,
> Ralph W. Nobbe, CPO
> President, California Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
> --
> Ralph W. Nobbe, CPO
> Nobbe Orthopedics, Inc.
> 3010 State Street
> Santa Barbara, CA 93105
> (805) 687-7508 tel
> (805) 687-6251 fax
> <Email Address Redacted>
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic message is intended to be
> viewed only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It
> may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt
> from disclosure under applicable law. Any dissemination, distribution
> or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited without our
> prior permission. If the reader of this message is not the intended
> recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the
> message to the intended recipient, or if you have received this
> communication in error, please notify us immediately by return e-mail
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Bryce W.A. Docherty, “Re: US Politics - California OP Crisis,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,