US Politics - California OP Crisis
Ralph Nobbe
US Politics - California OP Crisis
Ralph Nobbe
The California Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (COPA) has embarked
upon an aggressive campaign to vigorously oppose the elimination of O&P
services in the state's Medi-Cal Program.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's budget for the fiscal year beginning
July 1, 2010 includes the elimination of all optional Medi-Cal
(California's Medicaid program) benefit categories. The following
benefits are slated for elimination: Hearing Aids, Physical Therapy,
Occupational Therapy, Orthotics, Independent Rehabilitation Facilities,
Outpatient Heroin Detoxification, Medical Supplies, Prosthetics, Durable
Medical Equipment. This benefit elimination earmarks approximately $552
million in total payment reductions for all optional benefit categories.
Medi-Cal payments to providers for Orthotics and Prosthetics represented
approximately $20 million dollars in 2008. This represents .05% of the
overall Medi-Cal budget of $40 billion. This also includes the federal
matching dollars received. Lastly, the orthotic and prosthetic benefit
portion ONLY represents 3.6% of the overall scored savings for
eliminating ALL the optional benefits (i.e. $20 million of $552 million).
The California Department of Health Care Services (CDHCS) fact sheet
states, “California is facing a multi-billion dollar shortfall, and
Medi-Cal, as the second largest General Fund expenditure after
education, must be part of the effort to reduce state costs. These
actions will reduce the services provided under these programs and will
therefore reduce Medi-Cal expenditures.” The CDHCS further continues,
“There would be opposition to this proposal by advocates, provider
groups, and welfare rights organization. The opposition may indicate
that this eliminates critical care for beneficiaries, may cause
complications with existing medical conditions, and may cause additional
expense if beneficiaries seek these services in an emergency room
setting. Opposing groups may also indicate that the elimination of the
disposable medical supply benefit will cause a significant number of
patients, currently managing conditions such as ostomies, diabetes,
tracheostomy, and/or IV therapy at home, to shift the management of
these chronic conditions to acute or long-term care facilities, thus
overburdening the resources of these systems of care. Eliminating access
to medical supplies from pharmacies and medical supply providers may
likely result in a cost shift to Emergency Rooms, Acute Care Facilities,
and Nursing Facilities to the extent that beneficiaries exhaust their
ability to purchase and replenish the disposable supply items.”
The CDHCS fact sheet will be available shortly on
In addition to COPA's individual efforts to prevent elimination of O&P
in Medi-Cal – we are also part of a larger coalition representing ALL
effected optional benefit medical providers and stakeholders. This
coalition has hired a very high profile public affairs and media firm to
coordinate the overall outreach and media campaign. This effort will be
expensive and has just begun.
The response of O&P national organizations has been unprecedented. The
Amputee Coalition of America (ACA), the American Orthotic and Prosthetic
Association (AOPA) and the American Academy of Orthotists and
Prosthetists (AAOP) have all provided immediate access to their
resources and their assistance to battle the elimination of Orthotic and
Prosthetic benefits under Medi-Cal.
Individual COPA members and board members including: Jeff Collins with
Cascade Orthopedic Supply, COPA Board member Harry JR Brandt, BOCO, COPA
Board member Kel Bergmann, CPO with SCOPe, COPA Board member Bob Jensen,
CPO with Lawrence Orthopedic and Jeff Zeller, CP with Spectrum
Prosthetics have already initiated personal and vital outreach to key
legislators, media, advocacy groups, consumers and other medical
associations. <URL Redacted>
The national healthcare debate has consumed significant attention and
driven the recent health agenda. The national legislative decisions will
NOT impact, nor alter, California's immediate dilemma. More importantly,
it is felt that many of the unfunded federal mandates may exacerbate
California's crisis.
COPA anticipates an initial legislative hearing before the respective
Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees on Health shortly (possibly as
early as 3/25). Other pertinent committee hearings will rapidly follow
and will be determined by the outcomes of the Health Subcommittees
hearings. COPA is targeting key legislators for direct, personal
appeals. All COPA efforts will be coordinated by its Executive Director,
Bryce Docherty. He was instrumental in the successful 2006 campaign for,
passage and implementation of, AB2012 – California's parity legislation.
His past positions at the California Medical Association have served
COPA well in building dialogue and rapport with other key medical
association groups.
Bryce W.A. Docherty
California Orthotics & Prosthetics Association
1231 I Street, Suite 203
Sacramento, California 95814
Telephone (916) 446-4343
Fax (916) 446-4333
E-Mail <Email Address Redacted>
Recent tragic events have focused considerable recent media attention
upon the orthotic and prosthetic community and its potentials to restore
function and individual dignity. However, our industry's limited
resources remain in constant, heavy demand. Your PAC contributions are
now truly needed and vital to this effort in California. COPA's
resources are limited and every single dollar helps. A contribution form
is available at:
<URL Redacted>
Several COPA member firms have already answered the immediate, urgent
call for additional COPA PAC contributions and include: Hanger
Prosthetics & Orthotics ($5,000), Nobbe Orthopedics ($1,500) and Breakey
Prosthetics ($1,000). This will continue to be an “all hands on deck”
effort that has only just begun.
Your ongoing support and interest are vital to the successful retention
of orthotic and prosthetic benefits under California's Medi-Cal program.
COPA will need a grass roots effort in the near future and you can
further assist us by signing up for and responding to email alerts here:
<URL Redacted>
A final and important note: California at present is not a licensed
state. Under California's Health and Safety Code Medi-Cal payments for
Orthotic and Prosthetic services can ONLY be rendered to providers
certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and
Prosthetics (ABC) or the Board for Orthotist Certification (BOC).
Ralph W. Nobbe, CPO
President, California Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
upon an aggressive campaign to vigorously oppose the elimination of O&P
services in the state's Medi-Cal Program.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's budget for the fiscal year beginning
July 1, 2010 includes the elimination of all optional Medi-Cal
(California's Medicaid program) benefit categories. The following
benefits are slated for elimination: Hearing Aids, Physical Therapy,
Occupational Therapy, Orthotics, Independent Rehabilitation Facilities,
Outpatient Heroin Detoxification, Medical Supplies, Prosthetics, Durable
Medical Equipment. This benefit elimination earmarks approximately $552
million in total payment reductions for all optional benefit categories.
Medi-Cal payments to providers for Orthotics and Prosthetics represented
approximately $20 million dollars in 2008. This represents .05% of the
overall Medi-Cal budget of $40 billion. This also includes the federal
matching dollars received. Lastly, the orthotic and prosthetic benefit
portion ONLY represents 3.6% of the overall scored savings for
eliminating ALL the optional benefits (i.e. $20 million of $552 million).
The California Department of Health Care Services (CDHCS) fact sheet
states, “California is facing a multi-billion dollar shortfall, and
Medi-Cal, as the second largest General Fund expenditure after
education, must be part of the effort to reduce state costs. These
actions will reduce the services provided under these programs and will
therefore reduce Medi-Cal expenditures.” The CDHCS further continues,
“There would be opposition to this proposal by advocates, provider
groups, and welfare rights organization. The opposition may indicate
that this eliminates critical care for beneficiaries, may cause
complications with existing medical conditions, and may cause additional
expense if beneficiaries seek these services in an emergency room
setting. Opposing groups may also indicate that the elimination of the
disposable medical supply benefit will cause a significant number of
patients, currently managing conditions such as ostomies, diabetes,
tracheostomy, and/or IV therapy at home, to shift the management of
these chronic conditions to acute or long-term care facilities, thus
overburdening the resources of these systems of care. Eliminating access
to medical supplies from pharmacies and medical supply providers may
likely result in a cost shift to Emergency Rooms, Acute Care Facilities,
and Nursing Facilities to the extent that beneficiaries exhaust their
ability to purchase and replenish the disposable supply items.”
The CDHCS fact sheet will be available shortly on
In addition to COPA's individual efforts to prevent elimination of O&P
in Medi-Cal – we are also part of a larger coalition representing ALL
effected optional benefit medical providers and stakeholders. This
coalition has hired a very high profile public affairs and media firm to
coordinate the overall outreach and media campaign. This effort will be
expensive and has just begun.
The response of O&P national organizations has been unprecedented. The
Amputee Coalition of America (ACA), the American Orthotic and Prosthetic
Association (AOPA) and the American Academy of Orthotists and
Prosthetists (AAOP) have all provided immediate access to their
resources and their assistance to battle the elimination of Orthotic and
Prosthetic benefits under Medi-Cal.
Individual COPA members and board members including: Jeff Collins with
Cascade Orthopedic Supply, COPA Board member Harry JR Brandt, BOCO, COPA
Board member Kel Bergmann, CPO with SCOPe, COPA Board member Bob Jensen,
CPO with Lawrence Orthopedic and Jeff Zeller, CP with Spectrum
Prosthetics have already initiated personal and vital outreach to key
legislators, media, advocacy groups, consumers and other medical
associations. <URL Redacted>
The national healthcare debate has consumed significant attention and
driven the recent health agenda. The national legislative decisions will
NOT impact, nor alter, California's immediate dilemma. More importantly,
it is felt that many of the unfunded federal mandates may exacerbate
California's crisis.
COPA anticipates an initial legislative hearing before the respective
Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees on Health shortly (possibly as
early as 3/25). Other pertinent committee hearings will rapidly follow
and will be determined by the outcomes of the Health Subcommittees
hearings. COPA is targeting key legislators for direct, personal
appeals. All COPA efforts will be coordinated by its Executive Director,
Bryce Docherty. He was instrumental in the successful 2006 campaign for,
passage and implementation of, AB2012 – California's parity legislation.
His past positions at the California Medical Association have served
COPA well in building dialogue and rapport with other key medical
association groups.
Bryce W.A. Docherty
California Orthotics & Prosthetics Association
1231 I Street, Suite 203
Sacramento, California 95814
Telephone (916) 446-4343
Fax (916) 446-4333
E-Mail <Email Address Redacted>
Recent tragic events have focused considerable recent media attention
upon the orthotic and prosthetic community and its potentials to restore
function and individual dignity. However, our industry's limited
resources remain in constant, heavy demand. Your PAC contributions are
now truly needed and vital to this effort in California. COPA's
resources are limited and every single dollar helps. A contribution form
is available at:
<URL Redacted>
Several COPA member firms have already answered the immediate, urgent
call for additional COPA PAC contributions and include: Hanger
Prosthetics & Orthotics ($5,000), Nobbe Orthopedics ($1,500) and Breakey
Prosthetics ($1,000). This will continue to be an “all hands on deck”
effort that has only just begun.
Your ongoing support and interest are vital to the successful retention
of orthotic and prosthetic benefits under California's Medi-Cal program.
COPA will need a grass roots effort in the near future and you can
further assist us by signing up for and responding to email alerts here:
<URL Redacted>
A final and important note: California at present is not a licensed
state. Under California's Health and Safety Code Medi-Cal payments for
Orthotic and Prosthetic services can ONLY be rendered to providers
certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and
Prosthetics (ABC) or the Board for Orthotist Certification (BOC).
Ralph W. Nobbe, CPO
President, California Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
Ralph Nobbe, “US Politics - California OP Crisis,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,