Opinion regarding PECOS
mick holm
Opinion regarding PECOS
mick holm
Hello everyone,
Since the freak out out emails about PECOS started, and I freaked out,
I have done some serious digging. As you may or may not be aware, DMEPOS
is not the only target. Since the stark law was enacted, CMS was supposed to
track physicians who referred their patients to all medical entities that
they had ownership in. Apparently, they have not. This is just one more
headache established by our wonderful leaders to ensure physicians are
ball, and yes, we get short end once again if our referring physicians do
not comply. Just one more thing to add to our plates which most of ours are
PECOS (Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System) is now their new way
of tracking a law which has been in place since the early 90's.
I have contacted many of my referral sources about PECOS and they just give
me a blank stare. However, some are on top of this new internet based
registration and are now in the process mode.
All Providers to include Physical therapy, diagnostics, Rehab facilities,
etc... are all targeted for non payment if a physician is not registered as
compliant. I am sure that by the end of next week, every physician will know
about this and will all be crying about one more government control. But,
is paying the tab.
We all must do our due diligence to get the word out as I am sure all other
providers other than P and O are doing so as well. At this time it is not
required that
we who practice O and P register, but I am sure it will be soon enough. I
registered yesterday to see the process and it is very simple.
The real question I have is, where have the organizations that we trust and
send our hard, and I mean hard, earned money to been on this issue. I havn't
heard or seen anything from the Academy or AOPA? Why not? Or have I just
missed it.
Hope this info helps and is not redundant.
Mick Holm, CO, LPO
Tampa Bay Orthopaedic Designs, inc.
812 W. MLK Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33603
Since the freak out out emails about PECOS started, and I freaked out,
I have done some serious digging. As you may or may not be aware, DMEPOS
is not the only target. Since the stark law was enacted, CMS was supposed to
track physicians who referred their patients to all medical entities that
they had ownership in. Apparently, they have not. This is just one more
headache established by our wonderful leaders to ensure physicians are
ball, and yes, we get short end once again if our referring physicians do
not comply. Just one more thing to add to our plates which most of ours are
PECOS (Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System) is now their new way
of tracking a law which has been in place since the early 90's.
I have contacted many of my referral sources about PECOS and they just give
me a blank stare. However, some are on top of this new internet based
registration and are now in the process mode.
All Providers to include Physical therapy, diagnostics, Rehab facilities,
etc... are all targeted for non payment if a physician is not registered as
compliant. I am sure that by the end of next week, every physician will know
about this and will all be crying about one more government control. But,
is paying the tab.
We all must do our due diligence to get the word out as I am sure all other
providers other than P and O are doing so as well. At this time it is not
required that
we who practice O and P register, but I am sure it will be soon enough. I
registered yesterday to see the process and it is very simple.
The real question I have is, where have the organizations that we trust and
send our hard, and I mean hard, earned money to been on this issue. I havn't
heard or seen anything from the Academy or AOPA? Why not? Or have I just
missed it.
Hope this info helps and is not redundant.
Mick Holm, CO, LPO
Tampa Bay Orthopaedic Designs, inc.
812 W. MLK Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33603
mick holm, “Opinion regarding PECOS,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 9, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/230931.