redundant tissue

Heather Davidson



redundant tissue


Heather Davidson




hello all - i am working with a lady who has a trans tibial & partial foot
amp approx 15yrs ago

the distal 1/3 of her trans tibial side is entirely redundant tissue

she has worn a comfort liner, a sport liner & a OWW liner - she still
complains of a mushiness inside the socket as she passes over the foot

her natural tibial alignment is adducted (probably had geu varum), foot is
outset & various feet have been tried - she always comes back to her old
faithful - college park feet

any thoughts based on similar experiences would be most welcome

Heather Davidson
389 University Ave
Westwood MA 02090
ph 781 329 5500
fax 781 329 0303
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Heather Davidson, “redundant tissue,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025,