ANNOUNCE: Academy News Licensure Tool Kit Now Available

Manisha Bhaskar



ANNOUNCE: Academy News Licensure Tool Kit Now Available


Manisha Bhaskar




The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Launches its New
Tool Kit: A Comprehensive Guide to O&P Licensure

ALEXANDRIA, VA -December 2007 - The American Academy of Orthotists and
Prosthetists (AAOP) is pleased to announce the launch of its online tool
kit: A Comprehensive Guide to Orthotic & Prosthetic Licensure. This tool
kit is now available on the Academy website at
< <URL Redacted>> by clicking
on Licensure Tool Kit on the left side of the page.

This guide, developed under the direction of the Academy's Professional
Issues Council Licensure Taskforce, is the product of much hard work led
by James P. Rogers, CPO, FAAOP and Robert N. Brown, Jr., MS, CPO, FAAOP.
The goal of the tool kit is to aid orthotists and prosthetists who are
working on getting licensure bills passed in their states. It contains
the tools and information necessary to pass a well-written and patient
protective licensure act. This is a living document that will be updated
as more states pass licensure and as we obtain the rules and regulations
that define licensure in each state.

We encourage your suggestions and input regarding the information in
this guide. The Academy believes that licensure is in the best interests
of the consumer and the profession. Licensure reflects the status of the
profession, establishes a recognized scope of practice for orthotists
and prosthetists and will be recognized by other healthcare
practitioners in the continuum of patient care responsibilities.

The Academy thanks all of the members of the Licensure Taskforce: Aaron
Sorensen, CPO; Arie John Bronkhorst, CO, LO; Clint Snell, CPO; David
Varnau, CPO; Gary Berke, MS, CP, FAAOP; James Rogers, CPO, FAAOP; Lou
Haberman, CPO, LPO; Mike Allen, CPO, LPO, FAAOP; Peter Thomas; Robert
Brown, Jr., CPO, FAAOP; Ronald Gingras, CPO, LPO; Ronald Kidd, CPO, LPO;
Russ Hornfisher; Joseph Elliott, CP, BOCPO, LPO; and Terry Supan, CPO,

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Manisha S. Bhaskar
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
Director of Marketing & Publications
526 King Street, Suite 201
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 836-0788, ext. 210
FAX (703) 836-0737 < <URL Redacted>>




Manisha Bhaskar, “ANNOUNCE: Academy News Licensure Tool Kit Now Available,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 22, 2025,