adolescent torticollis replies

Clinical Orthotic Consultants



adolescent torticollis replies


Clinical Orthotic Consultants




Here is the original posting..Thank you for the replies
11 year old male sent to me with torticollis, doctor would like a static
brace to wear 2-4 hours a day (during TV and computer time basically).
He is doing PT and Massage 3 times a week now. Mom has been aware of
the problem since birth, but only getting concerned with it now.

Has anyone used a device like the Fillauer Torticollis Orthosis on an 11
year old?
Recommendations for time in the brace?
Anyone used a dynamic stretch? Say, put an Ultraflex Joint on the
I have never used a device in the treatment of Torticollis.Physios get
it straightened out pretty quick at birth, but an 11 year old is a
different monster all together.
Any insight or advice would be appreciated. (The orthopod has offered
surgery, but the family does not want anything to do with that.)
In 1984 I was involved in a similar case with a twelve year old female.
We fabricated a bivalve
(clamshell) anterior/posterior fixed orthosis(Kydex with 3/16 liner)
that was worn for two weeks post surgery. Unfortunately neither the
surgion or myself noticed that the eye socket bone structure had
confiqured itself such that the patients eyes were horizontal prior to
The surgion and I were heartbroken for not having had more foresight or
being more observant. The patients mother had mixed feelings about the
result as now the eyes were not level. Two years later her mother sent
us photos of her, and the bone structure had corrected itself. I believe
at age 11 the probability is high that it is not too late.
Back to the orthosis. Anything that will hold him realatively still for
two weeks. Aspen or Miami-J with extra padding on affected side and
thoracic extensions for leverage should do well.
Every deformity has to be evaluated by how flexible and correctable it
is?. If you can give me that information, I will be able to tell you
what type of cervical orthosis, type of materials, Joints and much more.

You can take digital pictures of the patient covering his eyes, front,
sides and back, showing the deformity and the pictures that will show
How flexible and correctable it is?. I use all the time gravity on my
side. If the patient has (R )Torticullis, you have to laid down the
patent on the same Side ( Right side), do not use any pillow or a very
small one, look carefully how the cervical spine will accommodate and
align properly with the thoracic and lumbar spine. take pictures.
This is a Dynamic treatment is is like one shut. Dynamic brace will be
he way to go in this case.
You can visit my web sides:
< <URL Redacted>> and
Try the lerman non-invasive halo!
I am not an expert on Torticollis, but there are a couple of things I
think you need to keep in mind: the use of a dynamic joint may cause a
spastic response in the sternocliedomastoid muscle. Is the patient able
to be moved into correction? Is there a contracture? Has Botox been
considered or surgery? Most of the older torticollis patients I have
seen have needed surgery to correct the problem, has this patient been
seen by an Orthopedist or just a Pediatrician?
> Just some things to keep in mind.
Contact Restorative Medical, Inc. they have
a static positioner that my be of help.
Derek Kozar M.Sc., C.O.(c)
Certified Orthotist
Clinical Orthotic Consultants of Windsor, Inc.
410-3200 Deziel Dr.
Windsor, ON
N8W 5K8
519-944-8340 p
519-944-8360 f

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Clinical Orthotic Consultants, “adolescent torticollis replies,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 21, 2025,