Cast cutter repair systems
Cast cutter repair systems
We also had a problem w/ Cast Cutter Repair Systems out of PA. We sent them
a cast saw to be repaired. When we received it back it was running really
hot. When we tired to cut off a single AFO the saw would get so hot we
couldn't hold it. We contacted Paul and explained the problem and he told
us that we are not using the saw the way it was designed for and that the
saw meets all of their specifications. The saw was sent back to us, we
opened it up and found some of the billed parts that were supposed to be
replace were not, in particular the armiture. We replaced some bearings and
installed the proper springs and the saw is working fine.
Chris Tidwell, RTO
Tidwells Orthotics
PC Magazine�s 2007 editors� choice for best Web mail�award-winning Windows
Live Hotmail.
<URL Redacted>
a cast saw to be repaired. When we received it back it was running really
hot. When we tired to cut off a single AFO the saw would get so hot we
couldn't hold it. We contacted Paul and explained the problem and he told
us that we are not using the saw the way it was designed for and that the
saw meets all of their specifications. The saw was sent back to us, we
opened it up and found some of the billed parts that were supposed to be
replace were not, in particular the armiture. We replaced some bearings and
installed the proper springs and the saw is working fine.
Chris Tidwell, RTO
Tidwells Orthotics
PC Magazine�s 2007 editors� choice for best Web mail�award-winning Windows
Live Hotmail.
<URL Redacted>
JODI TIDWELL, “Cast cutter repair systems,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 28, 2025,