summary of AFO cast replies

Shane Jansen



summary of AFO cast replies


Shane Jansen




Thanks for your replies.
They are listed below.
Shane Jansen

Switch to Fiberglass...I prefer Royce...less expensive than two rolls of
plaster less messy and less time to work and wait for set up ...don't
pull too hard and fold into voids...If you stay with plaster it's the
Brand that you use...If you use creamy white 'stuff' then you will get
roping, a tornado twist...and Cream all over I used to use J&J elastic on
the foot first then Green label extrafast on the time you have
worked the green inn It’s time to SET the foot....Good Luck Jane E.
Marlor, CO, FAAOP

your method sounds similar to mine exept I use a thin nylon stocking
(pantyhose type) as my first layer and then a length of 3 tubular cotton
stockinette. The nylon seems to keep the softer tissue of the calf stable as
you cast.(and keeps the patient cleaner) Also, I dont pull the plaster
bandage tight while wrapping, only laying it on as I go, then sassaging it
smooth. This method works well for me. Hope this works,
Charles Emerson CO

I've always gotten the best results using synthetic casting tape rather than
plaster. I also use a snug compresso-grip stockinette which helps to firm
up the surface being casted and creates a smoother outcome. (the cutting
strip can be applied on the outside and secured with a piece of tape or
two.) The results are amazing. Forget about the cost amounts
to less than $1 per cast and is well made up for in the amount of time saved
in cleanup and cast modification.

Mark M. Joyce, CO


I've found that synthetic casting material (with elastic properties) works
well. After an initial learning curve, the casts end up better than when
using plaster wrap.

John Brinkmann, CPO

Hi Shane,
You might want to try the one piece synthetic casting sock by STS I think
is the name. You just wet it in water and unroll it onto the leg from the
toe up.It sets up quickly and is very thin. Some patients with sensitive
toes do not like to have the pressure applied against their toes so it
would not be used for them. It comes in several sizes also.
Bryan Finley CP

Hi Shane:

I don't have input, but I would very much like to read what input you do get
on this question. Please don't forget to post a summary of responses.




u can try with plasic tube and cut.

Use fibreglass casting tape

Derek Kozar M.Sc., C.O.(c)

I've been using J&J Bandage for 25+ years, green label. I get detail in my
cast to include the nail bed. Key to a nice smooth cast is to take it
directly against the skin. No sock. Maybe a slight coating of Vaseline.
You want to go real crazy, have patient shave.

Andrew A. Cinque CPO

Hi Shane

I think you're doing everything right. Now I'd just say it comes down to

Good luck!

Try utilizing fiberglass casting tape and give it an up and down massage to
allow the fibers to relax easing the roping effect. Use a wet undersized
cotton stockinette and only fiberglass.
M. Britt Spears CPO, FAAOP

Just a couple thoughts:
In attemp to avoid migration of marks you might consider placeing
indelible marks dirrectly on skin and cast over nylon instead of sock.
Roping is often result of or made worse by sock sliding down calf so
some will tape/secure sock above the knee. Some also wet sock first to
reduce it's migration, plus you don't have to wet pencil.
Frank Frankovitch, CPO, FAAOP

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Shane Jansen, “summary of AFO cast replies,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 4, 2025,