Orthopedic Work Boots

Mike Hansen



Orthopedic Work Boots


Mike Hansen




I have a patient in need of Size 14 EEE work boots. He has severe hammer toes,
so the toe box needs to be extra depth( about 1 1/2). His feet are also
extremely wide at the metatarsal heads, which is the reason for the EEE width.
The boots need to be built on a contour last. One that does not chop off the
lateral part of the toe box. The lateral boarder of his forefoot hangs over
the inserts of all the off the shelf boots he has tried.

His job requires him to wear steel toe boots, so ideally I could fit him with a
pair of steel toes that accommodate his deformities. I realize it may
impossible to find a steel toe boot that fits his forefoot and meets the depth
requirement. If necessary I will modify a well fit pair of work boots with
external steel toe caps.

I would appreiciate any suggestions on where to find a pair of boots that may
work for this individual.


Mike Hansen
Orthotic Resident
Virginia Prosthetics
Roanoke, VA


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Mike Hansen, “Orthopedic Work Boots,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 1, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/228122.