Upper Limb Amputees and their Prosthetists Wanted

Robert D. Lipschutz, CP



Upper Limb Amputees and their Prosthetists Wanted


Robert D. Lipschutz, CP




The following information is intended to improve outcomes for patients with high level upper
extremity amputations and involve more prosthetists in the fittings of patients who have had
targeted muscle reinnervation.

Please respond to the address listed or to me.

WANTED: Prosthetists and their Upper Limb Patients

The Neural Engineering Center for Artificial Limbs (NECAL) of the Rehabilitation Institute of
Chicago is seeking to collaborate with upper limb prosthetists nationwide in an exciting research
program. We have developed a new experimental research technique called Targeted Reinnervation to
improved prosthesis function for individuals with high-level, upper extremity amputations. Target
reinnervation involves surgically transferring the residual nerves in amputees to spare muscle in
or near the residual limb to create new myoelectric control sites. This experimental surgery has
enabled individuals with shoulder disarticulation and transhumeral level amputations to control
multiple motors simultaneously using myoelectric signals which are physiologically appropriate to
the function being performed. There is also the possibility to reinnervate spare skin with the
hand nerves so that the amputee can �feel� in their missing hand with this skin and thus with a
prosthesis. The program is being lead by Todd Kuiken, MD, PhD.

Grants have been obtained which will fund all aspects of this research project including: the
prosthetic fittings, components, surgical procedures, payment to the patient�s local prosthetist
for some of the prosthetic fittings and travel for both the patient as well as their local
prosthetist. The patient does not need to have private insurance and will incur no expenses over
the course of this study. We are recruiting recent amputees for this study and hope to partner with
the patient�s local prosthetist in the fitting of a variety of different prostheses.

Patient inclusion criteria are as follows:

� Shoulder disarticulation, transhumeral or elbow disarticulation Amputation
� Unilateral or Bilateral
� Less than 12 months s/p amputation
� Individual must be between 18 � 60 years of age
� Fluent English required (for consent form and appropriate communication)
� A reliable and compliant patient

Exclusionary criteria include:

 Cognitive impairment
 Serious comorbidities (i.e. stroke, severe heart disease, etc�)
 Brachial plexopathies

For more information please contact the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago�s Neural Engineering Center for Artificial Limbs (NECAL) at tel: (312) 238-2080, email: <Email Address Redacted> , or visit our website: <URL Redacted>



Robert D. Lipschutz, CP, “Upper Limb Amputees and their Prosthetists Wanted,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 2, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/226437.