"bent knee" prosthesis designs

Gerardo Hernandez



"bent knee" prosthesis designs


Gerardo Hernandez


Dear List Members:

I am seeing a 68 yo female transtibial amputee for her preparatory
prosthesis. Her amputation was performed out of the country and she had very little
follow-up care following her surgery.

On her initial evaluation, she had a 55 degree flexion contracture. With
therapy and a contracture management orthosis, we have decreased the contrature
to 30-35 degrees. Her physician and therapist are very eager to get the
patient ambulating and i was wondering what prosthetic designs you have used and
with what success you have been able to continue working out the contracture.

I have done bent knee prostheses before, but would appreciate any
information you have on designs and componentry for this patient.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Hernan Luna, CPO, LPO
Allied Orthopedics Inc.
(305) 828-3090



Gerardo Hernandez, “"bent knee" prosthesis designs,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 13, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/224774.