Are You Billing Correctly for Your Medicare Patients?




Are You Billing Correctly for Your Medicare Patients?






Posted by AOPA on 11-19-04 at 4:05 p.m.

Nov. 30: AOPA Telephone Audio Seminar, Hospital and Skilled Nursing
Facility (SNF) Billing

AOPA experts Kathy Dodson and Virginia Torsch lead this upcoming AOPA
telephone audio seminar to help you master the complexities of billing
hospitals and SNFs. Learn about when to bill the hospital and the
DMERC, what services can be billed directly to Medicare, how to bill for
services related to a hospital stay and more. Participants can also
submit questions in advance to be answered by the AOPA experts.

Ideal for practitioners, office managers, billing staff and anyone else
involved in Medicare billing and reimbursement, telephone audio seminars
can include an unlimited number of participants for one low price. AOPA
telephone audio seminars are held from 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Eastern time.

I had all the secretaries in the office listen in on the audio
seminar, said Mary Martino, Office Manager, United Prosthetics, Inc.
Kathy Dodson puts complicated Medicare procedures in plain language.
It's a great way to learn.

Participants can earn 1.5 ABC credits per seminar. Register today!
Click on the AOPA telephone audio seminar graphic on the home page at and follow the link to download a registration form, or
contact Christopher Vinson at AOPA at <Email Address Redacted> or (571)
431-0876, ext. 235.

View the complete listing of upcoming AOPA telephone audio seminars at


AOPA, “Are You Billing Correctly for Your Medicare Patients?,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,