AK Hip Joint Responses

John Brinkmann



AK Hip Joint Responses


John Brinkmann




In response to my question regarding the strongest hip joint for an AK
prosthesis with hip joint/pelvic band the general consensus is the Sergeant
Roy (USMC, Seattle Systems). Here are two other responses that I thought
were interesting:

I have been using the Seargent Roy from Hosmer with very few problems. It
is however, very pricey. One trick I've learned to help prevent breakage of
the joint is to allow the neck of the lower joint room to flex. In other
words don't laminate it in. If you do laminate it in or gunk it on back
up the proximal area between the joint and socket with pelite or similar
material so that you are not creating a stress riser where the laminatioon
meets the joint. This is especially important with the more flexible thin or
1/8 inch USMC hip joints.

My solution has been to use Durr Fillauer thrust bearing hip joints. Most
recently I've purchased Wally Motlock's (Center for Orthotic Design) RGO hip
joints. I remove the lock and lock plate so the joint works as free motion.
We've yet to have a patient break a thrust bearing hip joint.

Many thanks to all who responded.

John Brinkmann, CPO

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John Brinkmann, “AK Hip Joint Responses,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 2, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/222145.