Re: UE Serial Casting




Re: UE Serial Casting






Hi Derek

I was just speaking with one of our orthotist's here at the Detroit Institute for Children who was showing me your e-mail. I'm an OT and I live in Windsor. I worked at the Children's Rehab. Centre for several years. I was just speaking to Cindy Gagnier (the Director of OT) last Wednesday about serial casting and possibly doing an inservice in February. Here at the DIC the OT's are responsible for the serial casting protocol. We do a series of solid cast applications, usually 6-8 weeks post-Botox. If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me directly:

  <Email Address Redacted>

Or, contact Cindy at the CRC. We may be able to coordinate some things. I know the OT's are more limited in terms of having services covered in Ontario.

Maureen Quinn, O.T.R.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Derek < <Email Address Redacted> >
Reply-To: Derek < <Email Address Redacted> >
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 15:52:53 -0500

>I have taken the Cusick Serial Casting course for the lower extremity.
>The OT's here would now like me to dive into casting the upper
>extremity. Any info, technical tips, advice would be appreciated.
>Derek Kozar, M.Sc., C.O.(c)
>Certified Orthotist
>Clinical Orthotic Consultants of Windsor, Inc.
>410-3200 Deziel Dr.
>Windsor, ON
>N8W 5K8
>(519) 944-8340 Phone
>(519) 944 8360 Fax


trish.webster, “Re: UE Serial Casting,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 28, 2025,