upper extremity aputee questions

Hummel Matthew T SSgt 81 MSGS/SGCQOA



upper extremity aputee questions


Hummel Matthew T SSgt 81 MSGS/SGCQOA




Hello fellow list memebers!

     I have a couple of questions that I hope some of you may be able to
answer. One of my co-workers was involved in a MVA during the holidays and
he will be loosing his left hand from the wrist down tomorrow. He is
devastated and wonders if he will ever be able to work in the O&P field
again. My first question is do you know of any one who is in this field
that is a upper extremity amputee? One of his favorite past times is video
games. My other question is are their special controllers available for one
handed play?
        Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

                       Thank You,

                        Matthew T. Hummel
                        BOC Orthotist, USAF
                         <Email Address Redacted>



Hummel Matthew T SSgt 81 MSGS/SGCQOA, “upper extremity aputee questions,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed May 17, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/220529.