USA billing - L5979 - response summary

Ted Trower



USA billing - L5979 - response summary


Ted Trower




My question was:

Regarding the code:
L5979 - All Lower Extremity Prosthesis, Multi-Axial Ankle, Dynamic Response
Foot, One Piece System

Does anyone have a clue what the phrase one piece system is referring to?

The reference is probably to a foot like College Park, where the multiaxial
feature is part of the foot, vs an energy storing foot and an ankle unit.

Stephan Manucharian, CP, Orthopedic Arts, NY

sounds like a springlite DP foot

Mr. Trower,

I don't know if you're familiar with Seattle products, but, it has been our
understanding here at Seattle that 'one piece system' refers to (for
example) our 'Voyager' unit which is a dynamic keel attached to a multiaxial
ankle and is manufactured, tested and sold as a 'one piece system'. Versus
purchasing the Seattle Lightfoot (dynamic foot) and the Seattle C-stance
(multi axial ankle) separately.

I believe this is the interpretation to apply to other manufacturers
products but I would be interested to hear if there are different
interpretations or if you have any thoughts on this.

Meg Hall, Product Manager

Probably means College park foot or Talux, not endolite ankle on Seattle
lite foot....maybe. Thats how I interpret it
Mark Benveniste RN BS CP

please post your results.
Having worked with definitions of foot codes for manufactures, My take on
this is that the foot unit on it's own has the function. The foot and ankle
are not designed to be separated when this code can out the coding
committee was looking at the College Park Foot if that helps. The example
of a two piece unit would be the Seattle Lite Foot with a USMC Multi-axis
ankle that I would recommend using Energy storing foot code combined with
the multi-axis ankle code.
On the other hand, we are told to choose the code that most closely fits
the function of the foot.
How's that for CYA?
Jack Richmond,
Fillauer Inc.

Not sure but sounds like anything but Endolite,such as College Park.
If you get definitive answers pls. post.

All built into one item, like the College Park TruStep... rather than a
seperate multiaxis ankle, like Seattle Systems Voyager ankle...

Justin Foster


It is similar to the college park foot where the ankle and foot are one
piece, unlike the Endolite dynamic response and ankle which are two
pieces. Basically you can't take the ankle apart from the foot.

Ben Javeri


Seems the consensus is that we are to take one piece system to mean
something like sold as a unit rather than it's more literal meaning of
made of a single component


Ted A. Trower C.P.O.
A-S-C Orthotics & Prosthetics
Jackson, Michigan, USA



Ted Trower, “USA billing - L5979 - response summary,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,