Myoelectric Knee-Good News!



Myoelectric Knee-Good News!


Dear Colleagues,

Many of you responded to my post about Myoelectric Knees......
The original post cited a VA research project that was started in 1987.
Apparently nothing came of it.
Some engineers in Japan worked on a similar idea but ran into problems. I
received no word from any of the large companies that we are all familiar

I received many posts from amputees and prosthetists who thought it was a
good idea and hoped research was progressing somewhere on this idea.


As it turns out, there exists at this moment a Myoelectric knee ready for

 John Lang CPO referred me to the Advanced Prosthetics Development Corp. I
contacted them and found out about their product.

The patented MYO-GAURD Model 2000 knee unit has been in existence for 5
 Why haven't we heard about it? ........Marketing is expensive

This knee was initially developed by Mr Bill Berringer, a traumatic bilateral
AK amputee with further collaboration by Mr Sulima CP around 1984.

Engineers were recruited to develop the hydraulics and electronics and the
Advanced Prosthetics Development Corporation was ultimately formed.

To quote from their information:
Yes, this is a positive lock, controlled by the amputee at will, using the
signal from the muscle group Biceps femoris and Vastus lateralis and may be
locked in any angle at the amputees volition, the amputee may then proceed
into extension while sustaining the lock mode without fear of the knee
bending or going into further flexion

We have patient tested the hydraulic cylinder extensively for almost 5 years
without a failure, also machine tested to 1.5 million cycles showing only
minimal wear

This is a small company and their advertising resources have been limited .
They are currently working on putting up a web site.

I look forward to learning more about the knee, its limitations and
capabilities. With increased exposure, a valuable addition to the field will
be available .

If you want to contact Bill Berringer at Advanced Prosthetics Development,
his number is
215 699 3083 fax 215 455 8560

Advanced Prosthetics Development
398 North Wales Road
Blue Bell, PA

I am encouraged by the efforts and triumphs of private individuals in this
I am discouraged that many ideas can be lost or squashed from the inability
to share ideas effectively.
I am glad this forum exists and that the P&O publications are able to bring
attention to innovative ideas.

Mark Benveniste RN BS CP
Houston, TX



“Myoelectric Knee-Good News!,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 24, 2024,