Responses for Externally Rotating Lower Extremity

Mark T. Maguire, CPO



Responses for Externally Rotating Lower Extremity


Mark T. Maguire, CPO


Question: thanks to all who responded

Hello everyone, I am looking for a strapping system that will externally
> rotate the lower extremity? I've seen one that goes around the waist and
> then spirals around the lower extremity.
> Thank you in advance
> Mark T. Maguire, CPO

try Alimed or Sammons Preston?

The is one in the Rolyan (Smith and Nephew/Donjoy)_ Catalogue. None of these
is very successful in terms of compliance and efficacy is limited

I think the one you're referring to is available from Alimed.

Mark you probably already have your answer but I think that Alimed
has the item you are looking for. GL60777 small or GL60778 med
Pel Supply can get this for you. 1-800-321-1264

TheraTogs(TM) are on the way. With strapping options and a field of
velcro-sensitive, latex-free, breathable, elasticized fabric to work with,
you'll be able to design your own training systems to suit you treatment

To learn all the muscle balanced and muscle physiology supporting this system
of orthotic undergarments and strapping, and to feel certain that you are
using them at no risk to your patients, please come to the course: New Rehab
Strategies... in Telluride, CO, in August. (Info on my web site. ABC CEUs
awarded.) And keep an eye on our web site for availability. The production
costs are about to be calculated for the first run, sized for kids weighing
25-45 pounds.

Let me know if you want more info. I can't tell you how excited I am about
this product!

I once used a twister cable, attached to a waist belt

We used these quite a few years ago for mild in/out toeing (tibial torsion)
but I have never seen them as commercially available. The heavy elastic
webbing is stitched (or buckled) approx at area of trochanter onto a wide
pelvic belt (can be more ant. or post. depending on whether you desire int.
or ext. rotation). The elastic then spirals down the leg and attaches via a
buckle with any desired tension to the lat. or med. sole/last of the shoe
(again, depending on int. or ext. rotation). The idea is that there is a mild
ext. or int. rotation during swing phase. Quite easy to fabricate if you have
usual materials.

Check your alimed catalog

Their so easy to make. Becker pelvic band as used for the torsion cable
system. Inch and a half or two inch elastic webbing. Two or three
prong safety buckles. One or two holes at the end of the elastic
straps. Lace the shoe laces into/onto the end of the strap. Adjust and
it's a done deal.

Rolyan carries such a strap in adult and pediatric sizes. Haven't had much
success with it though. Good luck.

Check with Saunders Theraputic or Smith, Nephew, Rolyan. They both stock this
item as a Physical Therapy supply.



Mark T. Maguire, CPO, “Responses for Externally Rotating Lower Extremity,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 25, 2025,