Re: AOPA Official reply

Mark Taylor



Re: AOPA Official reply


Mark Taylor




For those of you who are in hospital based/hospital owned and non-profit
organizations, there will be a meeting in Chicago at the AOPA meeting
this October. The purpose of this meeting is to organize such a group to
help each other out and share educational ideas. With AOPA's help, there
was a meeting like this in Phoenix and several of you attended to see if
there was any interest. This year, the purpose of the meeting is to see
how this type of group can become organized to take advantage of all the
good ideas. Please keep your eyes on the AOPA packet you will receive
for additional information on this meeting.

I am no longer involved in my private practice and am now engaged in a
institional setting providing O&P care. AOPA was a very valuable friend
when I owned a facility and they are just as valuable to us as we engage
in trying to provide O&P care in today's society with all the challenges
for reimbursement and government regulations and requirements. There
are many people who work very hard in this organization and it has
benefited the O&P field in many ways. For those of you starting your
practices, you will find that AOPA will be a valuable friend to you also
and the investment is well worth it.

>>> Baxter, Steve < <Email Address Redacted> > 04/24/02 09:54AM >>>
I think the chat room idea is great and offer my support. It appears
the numerous responses that there is a high level of concern on these
issues. I would encourage other practitioners who work for non-profit
or not
for profit entities to share their opinions.
Steve Baxter, C.O.,L.O.
Director, Dept. of Orthotics
Shriners Hospital for Children, Houston

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Marvin RT. Heide C.P.O. [SMTP: <Email Address Redacted> ]
        Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 8:35 AM
        To: <Email Address Redacted>
        Subject: Re: [OANDP-L] AOPA Official reply

        I would be happy to join such a chat room and pass along what
advice I
            M.R.Heide CPO retired



Mark Taylor, “Re: AOPA Official reply,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 14, 2025,