sunny varkey
sunny varkey
Seasons Greeting and wish you a happy new year.
I am working with a well reputed medical company in
Also I have under gone one week training on Trans
femoral prostheses manufacturing and fitting.
In Kuwait I would like to promote Prosthetic feet,
Prosthetic knee, Lower limb and upper limb prosthetics
Here hydraulic knee have more demand than the other.
So can you kindly suggest me few leading companies who
are in the field of artificial limb production and
after sales support. ( I know Otto bock, Ossur,
Blatchford/ Endolite and Proteor)
So kindly advice me in this aspect.
Thanks and best regards
Sunny k varkey
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I am working with a well reputed medical company in
Also I have under gone one week training on Trans
femoral prostheses manufacturing and fitting.
In Kuwait I would like to promote Prosthetic feet,
Prosthetic knee, Lower limb and upper limb prosthetics
Here hydraulic knee have more demand than the other.
So can you kindly suggest me few leading companies who
are in the field of artificial limb production and
after sales support. ( I know Otto bock, Ossur,
Blatchford/ Endolite and Proteor)
So kindly advice me in this aspect.
Thanks and best regards
Sunny k varkey
Do You Yahoo!?
Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
your unique holiday gifts! Buy at <URL Redacted>
or bid at <URL Redacted>
sunny varkey, “[Untitled],” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 13, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/217656.