Hanger Hoopla

John MacGregor



Hanger Hoopla


John MacGregor


I am the manager of two Hanger facilities in Texas. I fully understand
sentiments that some who work in independent and smaller facilities have
towards my employer. I had similar views when I worked for a smaller company
before it was swallowed like a minnow by the big NovaCare fish and then
again by Hanger. When i finally met my fellow managers (former enemies) at a
meeting, I was surprised that I saw no Hanger or NovaCare tattooes (I looked
very closely). They were not the ogres or company robots I expected to see.
They actually cared about their patients and the service they provided, just
like you and me.

When you talk about Hanger please remeber that there is no cookie cutter
Hanger practitioner. If you are a former Hanger employee you know that. You
would also know that you were never FORCED to provide a service or device
that you felt was inferior. I challenge anyone to prove that Hanger asked
you to provide inferior service to save money.

We have always purchased our components from the people who gave us the best
discount, provided that the quality was the same. If I thought that I was
being treated unfairly by a vendor for any reason or the product was
inferior, no matter whether my employer owned the vendor or not, I would
take my business elsewhere. My employer has to date always allowed me to do

It has been said on this server that Hanger bashing isn't taking place and
that the employees of Hanger are not targets, but I assure you, that's not
what I've read or how it feels. Every device that leaves MY facilities, be
it custom or otherwise, is of the highest quality on the market. I
challenge anyone outside my company or within to prove otherwise. It matters
not whether a substantial discount has been provided to the funding agency
or full price was paid, our service is the same. This includes the
funding source that we have provided the highest discount, the Barr
Foundation, three prostheses in 1999.

John MacGregor C.P.
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John MacGregor, “Hanger Hoopla,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 22, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/214590.