Hanger discounts

Tony Barr



Hanger discounts


Tony Barr




My recent post regarding one Florida independent practitioner's experience
with the proposed competitive bidding scenario was not to slam Hanger and
ethical business strategy. Scott and another practitioner's statement that
Hanger offers deep discounts from SPS to their own faciities was confirmed
by another independent practitioner and facility.

Hanger's Joe Carideo's responded was that Hanger does recieve a discount
for the items we (Hanger) manufactures According to Joe's statement, if
Hanger facilities and practitioners (1000 and still counting) recieve
discounts on components and items they manufacture , how much of the
prosthetic and orthotic market supply are we talking about currently?

In an effort to sort this out and myself not being a prosthetist,
manufacturer or competitor, I am attempting to do my homework! Perhaps
some of you could help. Any input would be appreciated, openly or
This info must be common knowledge or is it !?
Tony Barr

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert McCulloch < <Email Address Redacted> >
To: < <Email Address Redacted> >
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 5:35 PM
Subject: discounts

> As to the manufacturer's discounts, the question is not whether S.P.S.'s
discount is the same as to other distributors, the thing in question is the
difference between the discount to the independent distributors and selling
price to the O&P facility buying direct from the manufacturer. (bearing the
expense ??)
> This all goes back to Tony Barr's post concerning independent O&P
facilities being unable to compete in the (very near) future because of
pricing differences. And as to Hanger's Carideo and Kingsley's Kingley
posts, they're not telling the whole story.
> Bob McCulloch


Tony Barr, “Hanger discounts,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 23, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/214589.