bashing hanger

Robert McCulloch



bashing hanger


Robert McCulloch




Excuse me, but I haven't read any of the posts bashing Hanger. The list is for the purpose of exchanging ideas and sometimes, even, facts. I see ads in our publications telling what great products S.O.G.I. has. Are those ads for Hanger owned facilities only ? ? If, in fact, they are sending those ads to independents also, then the independents should know the pricing structure.
The independent will pay more, sometimes several times more, than a Hanger facility for exactly the same item.

Several of the posts have come from independent facility owners stating they simply do not buy from Hanger owned companies because Hanger is a competitor. Is that bashing ? ? Is that pathetic ? ? Does S.O.G.I. tell the independent he will pay more that a Hanger owned ? ? I haven't noticed that anywhere in their ads. So I believe that is what the list is for.

And by the way, that pricing practice is called running your business as efficiently as possible? ?
I, and a lot of others, have another name for it.

Bob McCulloch
Apollo Beach, Florida



Robert McCulloch, “bashing hanger,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 23, 2024,