Re: US Politics/Legislation

Tony Barr



Re: US Politics/Legislation


Tony Barr




Bob, perhaps you or your lobbiest can point out the main differences in the
two different legislative proposals-Wexler and Harkin- for members of the
Academy, ABC, BOC , noncertified practioners, and other nonqualified
members of
your association.

I assume that you mean in stating our positions you are referring to the
three organizations within the national office and NAAOP? I find it hard to
believe that ABC certified practitioners and Academy members would settle
for educational quidelines that are less than CAAHEP standards but do
enlighten me. We should all be receptive to negotiation and open for
compromise. Are you?

It is apparent from the outcome of the split vote on the consolidation
proposal,and the multiple national O&P organizations that the national
office leaders belong to, that not all members are in total agreement on
every issue.

Consumers and professionals are prepared to support meaningfull
legislation regardless of it's sponor or name.
We could better attain that goal together.

This amputee and consumer advocate considers himself practicing within
his scope of a consumer who will be directly effected by reform
legislation and one who has done his homework let alone witness on a daily
basis the short comings of the present system. I have gone directly to the
source of proposing legislation reform with accurrate documented
historical information ranging from multiple FTC reviews of possible
violations of monopoly laws, to national O&P organization members found
guilty of medicare fraud abuse and false billing practices.
Exposing the unethical practices of a few would discredit a otherwise
honorable profession.But safe gaurds most be implemented for future
recepients of qualified O&P health care.

If you recall , Congressman Wexler(D-Fla.) sponsored this legislation at my
request and that of several other national consumer advocacy organizations.
He is my district Congressional representative and personal friend who sees
the need to protect the public and better assure medicare recepients with
proper O&P coverage and quality care.

I have always worked within the system by first participating in meetings
with the three organizations of the national office and the current
president of NAAOP,beginning twenty years ago .It was agreed ,by corporate
resolution by your organization and the Academy,to actively pursue federal
and state O&P regulation. More recently I participated by attending the
pre-legislative summit meeting held at your office in December 1998 with
leaders of the Academy ,AOPA and NAAOP.

I presented the need of all national O&P organizations to join consumers in
support of this proposed legislation or at least the very least to work with
Congressman Wexler to develop fair and meaninful legislation.You would get
back to me!

If I have provided misinformation, you or Ms. Rinker correct it but please
inform the national office membership and those other qualified
practitioners that would be most affected, to the options.Collectively we
will get alot more accomplished.

If I want a proper fitting prosthesis made I go to a qualified
health care professional to be evaluated and treated.
Unfortunately many people who are still fortunate enough to have any
coverage are restricted to the lowest bidder of O&P services, qualified or
not.Who determines qualified? Does your manufacturer membership or wholesale
outlets restrict selling their product to qualified, certified professional

Who determines qualified? Answer this and you answer the billion dollar a
year question!

Should it be a independent agency like CAAHEP or the Secretary? The
practioner determined qualified by either should be responsible for all
items billed , not a supplier or employer.Accountability must be given to
the professional indivisual not a corporate entity subject to reorganization
after defrauding HCFA or providing less than proper treatment to a patient.

If I want a law passed, I go directly to the lawmaker and to this
honorable profession which would have the most impact for input ,support
and fair solutions.. Yes, this consumer by-passed the lobbiest but I sure
made alot of friends in the profession and they hired the lobbyiest!

We have done this together in Florida,Texas,Washington, and Illinois in less
than three years.It should of been done twenty years ago as promised by your
organization. We can now accomplish it nationally now.....together.
The consumer wants it and the profession wants it.

Thanks for the offer for questions and comments.I look forward to the
answers and solutions.
I think we all know what they are....we just have to get there! We got two
bills !We will have one!

I appreciate the national office's open invitation of including the
consumer in on the equation. How's your golf game coming?

I can and I will, for others as well as for myself .

Our web site is open to all.

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert VanHook < <Email Address Redacted> >
To: < <Email Address Redacted> >
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 1999 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: US Politics/Legislation

> Gentlepeople,
> As you know, I have responded point-by-point to Tony Barr many times. I
> not going to do that again.
> Anyone who wishes to know more about AOPA's government relations work and
> our positions may contact me or Martha Rinker ( <Email Address Redacted> ). Our
> website is available too, although some parts are accessable only to AOPA
> members.
> I would urge all of you to get involved in our important work to effect
> changes in the law that actually have a chance of passage (i.e., the
> Bill language). We are joined in these efforts by NAAOP, members of the
> Academy, and ABC-certified practitioners.
> If I wanted a prosthesis made I would go to a professional; if I want a
> passed, I would also go to a government relations professional. Please do
> not be misled by misinformation from people that are practicing outside
> of their scope.
> Again, AOPA is open to your questions or comments.
> Bob
> Robert T. Van Hook, CAE
> Executive Director
> American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
> 1650 King Street, Suite 500
> Alexandria, VA 22314
> Phone: 703/836-7116
> Fax: 703/836-0838
> Email: <Email Address Redacted>
> Webpage:


Tony Barr, “Re: US Politics/Legislation,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 18, 2025,