US Politics/Academy and Barr Foundation Alliance

Tony Barr



US Politics/Academy and Barr Foundation Alliance


Tony Barr




The outcome of the consolidation effort has been decided. Perhaps , Academy
members can now focus on direction of their own destiny by uniting for
advocacy in support of Congressman's Wexler's pending legislation, H.R.1938.

This legislation, proposes that ALL providers obtain certain educational
training in order to provide CERTAIN services of O&P services prior to
seeking reimbursement from Medicare.The Wexler legislation is similarly
modeled after the Florida state regulation allowing those in the business
for an extended period to be qualified though they are not able to meet the
formal education and training requirements that are established.

Th enactment of this legislation , in my opinion , would provide two
important functions:

1. It would have a traumatic impact on preventing fraudulent medicare claims
which cost taxpayers millions of dollars a year which has prevented efforts
in increasing O&P benefits to medicare recepients.

The following conclusions were determined by the Department of Health and
Human Services/Office of Inspector General,1997 report.

At least nineteen percent of orthotics are medically unneccessary.
Durable medical equipment companies are more likely than orthotics to supply
questionable orthotics.
Over two-thirds of the orthotic billings in nursing facilities are
The billing controls of the durable medical equipment regional carriers are

2. One of the critical differences between Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
suppliers and nationally certified O&P health care providers is the level of
education and training required to provide comprehensive O&P services.
Establishing federal standards would put all suppliers of O&P on a level
playing field in terms of qualification and educational standards,to
compete in a fair maket environment.

Currently the system has unqualified suppliers competing with qualified,
trained professional practitioners,some of whom are recieving manufactured
goods at discounted prices, some of which are both members of the same trade
association, AOPA!

AOPA advocacy for improved O&P coverages will never have a impact on
lawmakers, HCFA or consumers.
They bring nothing to the table but a special interest membership that is
primarily of O&P manufactures and vendors many whom have virtually no
health care qualifications nor credentials to perform this important health
care service.

It is the untrained, nonqualified vendors who compete for your business that
you nutured by years of investment in formal education, obtaining
professional certification status and hands on experience.

Over a year ago, somehow, AOPA, the trade industry association, was
delegated the responsibility of representing the National Office and
specifically the professional members of the Academy, to be the principal
advocate for the O&P industry.Was it the apathy of Academy members that let
this happen?

Their Strategic Plan of 1998-1999 included the #1 goal to be the leading
advocate for O&P business in the health care policy arena.They formed a AOPA
PAC and raised money from mostly AAOP members to obtain this goal.
I myself was a contributor.We now know that $300,000 went toward a Senate
version of diluted O&P regulation version of the Wexler bill that proposes
less than CAAHEP standards for Medicare providers !!
Not exactly consistant with the philosophies of their sister organizations!

With the consoldation issue concluded, is it not time for the profession to
determine their own destiny?
Or will the apathy critics, because of 41% of AAOP membership failing to
vote by recent ballot ,be right?
Can AAOP take the lead in representing the O&P profession, not the
industry representing the profession?
The future of your profession depends on it.
Obtaining proper O&P coverage and quality care for the consumer depends on
it! That's my special interest!

United advocacy efforts of professional and consumer, can successfully
educate lawmakers for proper coverages!!
The Barr Foundation and other consumer advocacy organizations that we have
rallied will assist in the Academy's efforts provided we can work together
for passing of meaningfull national legislation, perferably the most
stringent, laced with CAAHEP guideliness and fair grandfathering
provisions , thru Wexler's H.R. 1938 proposal.

Is the profession again ready to stand up and support issues that are not
dictated by the industry??

Tony Barr



Tony Barr, “US Politics/Academy and Barr Foundation Alliance,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 18, 2025,