Seeking key words for orthotic website



Seeking key words for orthotic website


I am a manufacturer of a hyperextension orthosis. I am in the process of
constructing a web site ( to advertise my brace.

    Websites contain a non-visible page which is read only by web browsers
sending out worms through the internet to collect information. The host of
a web site puts words in that page which they think people will request when
searching for such a web site.

    I have put together a list of such words for my web page. It is as

    hyperextension orthosis
    hyperextension brace
    back brace
    spinal brace
    spinal orthosis
    ace brace

    I'm sure there are many I haven't thought of. That's why I am asking
orthotists to respond with what they might type into a search engine when
looking for a site selling hyperextension orthoses. I sell the ACE Brace, a
new cruciform-style hyperextension brace like the CASH Orthosis.

    I'm only anxious to attract orthotists, so I don't want words the general
public might type in.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

David Hendricks, CPO
HOPE, Inc.



“Seeking key words for orthotic website,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 6, 2024,