Re: Protective Helmet for Cerebral Palsy Pt.

tuppal srivatsa



Re: Protective Helmet for Cerebral Palsy Pt.


tuppal srivatsa


dear shilpa
you can make the helmet with leather board. you need not cover the head
comletely. your design can be like the one worn by gavasker with an
attachmwent ap wise also this is quite airy and will not be heavy and bulky.
the other option could be to do a helmet with ldpe granules which can be
moulded on a kitchen utensil which matches the child's head circumference.
try and give your responce,

>From: Shilpa Bhekare < <Email Address Redacted> >
>Reply-To: Shilpa Bhekare < <Email Address Redacted> >
>To: <Email Address Redacted>
>Subject: Protective Helmet for Cerebral Palsy Pt.
>Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 19:32:35 +0530
>Hello to all,
>I need Protective Helmet for Cerebral Palsy Patients.
>As CP children do not have balance they tend to fall and get head injury.
>This adds to the burden and trouble they already have. I need a efficient
>head gear to protect my patients.
>Nobody in India mass produces them thus the available design is not sound.
>Can you suggest any mass producers address or an internet URL.
>Or you can suggest to me some material and design which I can self make at
>my workshop. Please.
>My reluctance in making these helmets is that, we are dealing with small
>children and a faulty design will be proved only after a major accident.
>This I do not want.
>Regards to all.
>My mail to Attachment Advice has a very poor response from you all. I
>can't believe that none of you have any advice for me. I got more mail as
>re-send what response you got than any advice.
>Please try to send me your advice soon I have a meeting with this person on
>Monday in the afternoon. I am resending that message as attachment again,
>hope you will reply this time around.
>Practicing Orthotist and Prosthetist
>Clinic: Shree Bhagwati Surgical. Opp Bhagwati Municipal Hospital, Borivli
>(W) Mumbai 400103 India.
>Telephone : [091-022] 8933227/8933844.
>Other-contact People: Mr. Prashant.
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tuppal srivatsa, “Re: Protective Helmet for Cerebral Palsy Pt.,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 14, 2025,