Re: Phantom Pain question




Re: Phantom Pain question






Hello every one,

In response to the following question which was posted 8th July, I
have chosen to respond publicly as I feel it is an extremely
important area that is not given enough attention.

< I was given a unique case yesterday. 55 year old male, T-4 para, one
year post-op RBK, one month post-op LAK. Two weeks ago began experiencing
Phantom pain in the RBK. I'm looking for treatment options to control
Phantom limb pain. After 25 yrs this is the first I have ever heard of
this happening.

Steve Childs, BOCP, C.Ped.>

Vicky writes :

I am sorry I cannot be more specific but I think this may interest
you. Approx. 2 weeks ago, there was a progamme on British T.V.
regarding the management of phantom pain. The Dr. involved ( who
incidently was rubbished by the great, white, western male
ideology), found that by using mirrors to reflect the image of the
sound limb, pain relief was very successful. This is thought to be
due to the brain thinking that the reflected image is actually the
missing limb. By moving and exercising the intact limb, the brain
responds and several amputees have said that it feels
like they can unlock the muscular spasms and nerve sensations in the
absent limb.

The results have been very successful and it would appear that more
research is needed in to this therapy. Has anyone else heard of this
treatment ?



Vicky, “Re: Phantom Pain question,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 7, 2025,