Re: Adducter Roll Removal

george boyer



Re: Adducter Roll Removal


george boyer




Tom - don't denigrate discussion of problems not directly related to your
concerns. Read them, and perhaps broaden your comprehension of the field in
which you work. Cheers, George Boyer.

<Email Address Redacted> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I hope over all the terminology discussion you all find time to help on a
> question a client of mine has. He is 45 Y.O. and has been wearing an AK
> prosthesis for 14 years. He has a significant Adducter roll that can not be
> reduced by socket fit or anything now. It either stays or needs to be
> surgically removed. He is always getting Festered Up as he puts it and is
> constantly in pain. I recommended he have it removed but he is afraid the
> scar will be in the socket and cause him to not be able to wear a leg again.
> He is not wearing a full suction anymore so I feel it would be okay. It goes
> from the groin anteriorly for about 10 and is 3 thick!
> Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences that you could share so
> he can make a sound decision?
> Thank you in advance.
> Tom Whitehurst C.P.


george boyer, “Re: Adducter Roll Removal,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025,