Manufacurers at Gatherings



Manufacurers at Gatherings




One fine day Bob Van H. mentioned:

BVH> I am appending my response to a recent letter from Mr. Carl
     Caspers, CPO and Ms. Lisa Schoonmaker, CPO regarding AOPA's policy
     on presenters at the National Assembly.

I have, finally, been awakened from the usual topics to pay attention to
the decision by the prosthetist's professional group to prohibit
manufacturers from the gathering. Thumbs down boys, and here's why:

I am an amputee, R-BK from trauma in 1969. I speak from that
perspective, and just read the ---almost-- always lucid Chris Johnson's
reply with some interest. The bugger is asking all of us to take a look
around...But Chris speaks from first, an amputee perspective, in
spite of that College P stuff...

I am curious to know why a gathering of people who have opted as a
profession the opportunity to make me a functioning prosthesis would
think that their collective wisdom is sufficient that of necessary their
conference should exclude anyone, let alone manufacturers of the device
I count on to get my not so humble butt from point A to B?

I am a bit surprised (tho young enuf to be frequently fooled) by Ms.
Schoemaker being a signatory to a letter which was, uhhh, a bit lacking
in insight. Like Chris, she is capable of a bit more 'deep thinking'.

BHV> I would prefer not to have aired this misunderstanding on
     this forum, but I feel compelled since the letter to me was posted
     on the listserv and many messages have followed compounding the

YO! Welcome to the internet, where once-upon-a-time ideas were currency.
And this might be a forum to work out those horrific 'misunderstandings'

And of course, the best way to achieve understanding (if you bitch too
loudly about misunderstanding I assume it is 'understanding' that you
want?_) is to find another forum? Frankly, I happen to think those lads
at NERD_C (once) are providing an ideal forum to discuss issues---that's
why this listserv exists, I though? Or old beaner, have you, once again,
missed the boat?

BHV> Please feel free to address any questions to me.

I am happy to do so...why do you think this is not an appropriate forum
to discuss ideas that you may, perhaps to chance, perhaps to dream, to
happen to be, uhhh, maybe uncomfortable with, and do not care to
discuss? You want a forum to discuss ideas with which you agree, I
recommend Hallmark greeting cards...

Paul and Stephen at Gator land have worked to provide a forum to discuss
ideas. I once met them. They seemed like bright enuf lads to be able to
handle an idea or two. After all, they play football down there, and
you can only take so many wacks in the head without appearing to be a
tad stupid. up your meeting to ANYONE interested. If you are
not hip enuf to separate 'scientific evidence {please know I luv this
phrase...passionately) from advertising, well, I don't want you touching
my socket. Keep your goofy hands offa me. Give me a prosthetist whose
head in finely honed enuf to tell the difference in adverting and
interesting information. But hey, I assume you have a shit filter? I do,
and it works, every waking moment of my day.

Wayne Renardson

June 10, 1998

Carl A. Caspers, CPO
Lisa M. Schoonmaker, CPO
TEC Interface Systems
820 Sundial Drive
Waite Park, MN 56387

Dear Mr. Caspers and Ms. Schoonmaker:

This letter responds to your letter of June 9, 1998. AOPA values greatly its
manufacturer/supplier members and their contributions to the success of the
Association and its programs. The basic assumption in your complaint,

WR> Oh god....

Wayne Renardson


“Manufacurers at Gatherings,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed January 21, 2025,