Urgent !:Federal legislative O&P initiative

Tony Barr



Urgent !:Federal legislative O&P initiative


Tony Barr


The support for this initiative is building from national disability and health support groups.I only hope
 that the professional trade associations AOPA , AAOP,and NAAOP will follow suit by providing position statements of support to the Barr Foundation.

In my opinion, their delay in not formally providing a one paragraph position statement in favor of eradicating fraud and abuse in the medicare health care system ,is not in the best interest of the consumer or the credibility of
 the profession--your profession!

The American Board of Certification( ABC )and the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists(FCAAOP) are among several who initially provided formal position statements to the Foundation and Congressman Wexler's staff.

 If the most stringent nationally recognized certification association(ABC), in terms of the providing the highest educational standards that exist for O&P practitioners,recognizes the need for the establishing federal standards for practitioners,why is there stalling on support via such a simple statement? Are the culpurts, whom have been caught presenting questionable billing practices for medicare orthotics, members of these holdout associations?
Has the private sector become a reflection of the oftentimes noncommital, waffling government policy it disfavors and has so much contempt for!?
> It is time to stand up and be counted!
> All we have ask is for unity and mutual support by these professional asociations and others by issuing a formal one sentence,position statement to the Barr Foundation

 We (the association)support the Barr Foundation in eradicating fraud and abuse and encourage the federal government to develop and pass legislation requiring federal standards for practitioners providing custom O&P services.
This statement not real complex.It is not an iron endorsement of the final bill.

The development of the proposed federal legislation can be worked out among the national associations and the co-sponsors of the bill.Our(The Barr Foundation) position as a consumer activist group, is to recruit all the support possible for this needed legislation and Congressman Wexler.We ask for the subscribers of this O&P listserve and others to contact your national association and legislative committees and ask that they provide position statements to the Barr Foundation in the format as described above .O&P fraud and abuse is destroying the image and profitability of your profession and worse, is robbing the consumer of affordable O&P coverage.We also ask that you communicate ideas and suggestions of targets of other national disability, health,and consumer rights groups to the Barr Foundation.

We will be posting the names of these associations in support and the names of others that have not provided support of the above statement ,on the Barr Foundation web site at www.oandp.com/barr and a multitude of O&P trade and disabilty medias.Thank you for your anticipated participation.

Anthony T. Barr
The Barr Foundation
foundation @t-barr.com


Tony Barr, “Urgent !:Federal legislative O&P initiative,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/210302.