Rigo cheneau

Jim Del Bianco



Rigo cheneau


Jim Del Bianco




I have a acquaintance/general surgeon whose child was diagnosed with scoli.
A Boston style scoli device was recommended. This surgeon, like most
parents, was concerned and spent hours looking for as many studies and
research on methods to treat scoli as he could find.

He asked me about my opinion on the Rigo Cheneau TLSO. I told him I was
very comfortable with the Boston and felt I could treat his child as well
as anyone with the Boston, but that I could not speak to the effectiveness
of the RC TLSO.

Can anyone share or provide information or studies or thoughts on the Rigo
device and methodology. I understand it is meant to go along with the
Schroth Method PT exercises. Any input on why the RC TLSO would be better
suited than the Boston as a companion to the Schroth exercises would be
helpful too.

A friend of mine out west is a pediatric spine surgeon. He had his
orthotist fit 100s of Rigo TLSOs and Boston TLSOs over a period of 4 years.
His opinion was that it was a great TLSO but he did not see any significant
differences in outcomes between the Boston and the Rigo during that time.
He felt the extra cost to the Pt didn't justify the Rigo's use unless a
parent really wanted to try it.

This was one person's subjective opinion. I plan to do some research of my
own and would appreciate any feedback from the list on the effectiveness of
the Rigo and other pros or cons of the method. Thank you!

Jim Del Bianco, CPO



Jim Del Bianco, “Rigo cheneau,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/209661.