RESPONSES Structure Scanner

Patricia Rogel



RESPONSES Structure Scanner


Patricia Rogel




Structure sensor scanner feedback: All feedback was positive with exception of one practitioner who trialed it for 3 months.

* Price is much lower than most scanners available in O & P. Currently ~ $399 (plus the cost of iPad if needed).

* The scanner is being used for foot orthotics, leather ankle gauntlets, prosthetic sockets (all types), prosthetic covers, protective facemasks, pectus carinatum orthoses, AFOs, KAFOs, TLSOs.

* Most manufacturers who have carvers will accept the scans. Companies specifically reported: PLS (for foot orthotics), Arizona AFO, Surefit, Spinal Tech, Ritchie brace, Boston O & P, Anodyne, Biostep, Townsend/Thusuane- KAFO’s, KO’s, Hersco - AFO’s, foot Orthotics, Dr. Comfort - shoes, inserts, Toe fillers, Cascade, Orthomerica, SureStep, Friddles, Ultraflex Systems Inc. accepts all scans in (.stl) format,

* Export comes in .stl or .obj mesh formats - standardized format all over world of 3D. There should be no fabrication facility which cannot use it.

* Software is usually free. There are many different used including: DigiScann, Spinal Tech (has their own app), Cyborg Design Studio, Brent Wright's Digiscan 3D app, 3DsizeMe, Eddyfi out of Canada. Some companies have their own software (Townsend).

* Difficulties lie in the scan technique. Some suggestions were: All FOs are asked to place a knee in the chair and I scan the plantar surface within 30 seconds. All AFOs are asked to lie prone on a bed and leg 90 degrees to the air. For BKs standing with leg forward and also seated , but capturing the entire limb can be a challenge. One practitioner says 3 feet of clearance all around is needed to capture entire limb for prosthetic sockets. Several practitioners continue to cast and then scan the positive model to send to fabrication.

* It is not recommended for scanning patients who have spasticity. Instead, cast patient, then scan the positive.

* “Just this month Structure scanner announced new model with 2x resolution for same price - which means it gets better.”

* “We use the scanner with most patients with great success. The savings in supplies and shipping is expected to be 20k+ for one year”.

Patricia Rogel, CO, LO, OTR/L
PR Orthotics & OT
Concourse Office Plaza, Tower 1
4711 Golf Road, Suite 1055
Skokie, IL 60076
224-470-8550 (ph)
224-470-8553 (fax)

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Patricia Rogel, “RESPONSES Structure Scanner,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 18, 2025,