

Gabkul LogoSQ.jpg




Countries Served:

Regions: AfricaCountries: Congo RDC, Gabon and AngolaSpecific cities, regions, or groups of people: Kinshasa, MasalaAge Group: ChildrenFees Charged: No

Contact Name/Title:

Gabriel Talahumbu - Director


5425 85th Avenue , Ste 2





Postal Code:





Services Provided:

Prosthetic Fitting, Orthotic Fitting, Medical Equipment / Supplies, Education, Prosthetic Fabrication, Orthotic Fabrication, Medical / Surgical Care, Rehabilitation / TrainingThere is a facility/physical building for patient care at the specified location. Accomodations for volunteers near or at the specified location.

Need I:

Financial Assistance

Need II:

Materials, Components, and Equipment

Additional Info & Comments:

The year of 1998 is very significant in DR Congo history. This year marks the expansion of the worse civil war in the history of DR Congo with millions of fatalities and handicapped left behind. In the same year, a group of Congolese Orthopedists and Doctors were exposed to some of the worse atrocities in the world history. Those people decided to form a Foundation that would help alleviates the situation not only in this trouble country but also in surrounding regions. Consequently, they created.GABKULFOUNDATION. “The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country affected by extreme poverty and where the economy and social structures have collapsed.After the war, the Cities were swamped with handicapped as well as amputated children, victims of mines and other types of weapons. Over million children need as much help as they can get.The quality of life includes hunger and poor or malnutrition causing various illnesses and physical malformations.The statistics shows it as an extremely population, from which at least 50% does not have access to potable water, 60% does not have access to health care and 40% is analphabet…As a result, over 30,000 children die every month from easily preventable and treatable diseases such as diarrhea, malaria; measles, infections disease and malnutrition. Since 1998, GABKUL FOUNDATION has used every minimal resource available to provide following assistance programs:• Locally made orthopedic equipment – shoes, artificial hands and legs- for handicapped and physically challenged; provide wheelchairs, orthopedic braces, walkers and lifts.• Promoting and protecting the interests of deaf and hearing impaired;• Providing medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to orphans, abandoned children and less fortunate people;• Repairing and providing equipment to hospitals, schools, churches, etc • Providing school equipment (including literatures and computers).• Provide each health center with essential drugs, equipment and medical supplies, and clinical and management training and support• Identify most vulnerable persons (widows, orphans, and elderly, handicapped) and provide free health care. Provide medical supplies and training to improve reproductive health services at the health center level. Improve vaccination coverage for pregnant women and children under five.• Support health centers in conducting antenatal consultations, with basic equipment including scales, feotoscopes, measuring tape, gloves.HIV/AIDS prevention.


“Gabkulfoundation,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 28, 2025,