Replies (part 3) "honest question about our o and p organizations"

Aaron Laster



Replies (part 3) "honest question about our o and p organizations"


Aaron Laster




Here is part 3 of the responses:

---Individuals are members of the Academy (AAOP). Businesses are members
of AOPA.
Membership goes far beyond the annual meeting. You do not have to be a
member to attend either of the annual meetings.

When you say know the differences and which organizations we want to
join. who is we? You practitioners can join AAOP but not AOPA. Your
practice can join AOPA but not AAOP.

----Academy would only be if you want to be a fellow. And I think it’s a
little more pricey since it’s individual based rather than AOPA which the
whole company can benefit from the membership.

Thank you sincerely

---- The lines have not blurred a bit, but the profession has finally
more diverse, and these issues are relevant and need to be addressed. They
affect productivity both amongst staff and for our diverse patients. There
ideally should be a place at each organization's meeting for both these
issues as well as scientific ones. They affect how business is run, and
therefore outcomes.

----Please do share your responses, I’m hopeful to learn and collaborate.

Here was the original post if needed for reference:
I am not looking for an argument but am honestly trying to understand and
have a conversation. My office started asking about the different
organizations and fees, particularly after this current academy meeting.
I mean no disrespect in what I am about to say.
The academy we all thought was the science-based organization and then aopa
was more business and then naaop is more legislative. And then there's the
alliance which I think not many people know much about except the top
representatives of each organization come together but the civilians in
the profession don't fully know what happens.
So this being said, we looked at mission statements and what not and am
trying to figure out the differences and what/ why they are all worth
having/ joining. Again, I am not trying to be disrespectful. I am
attempting to understand. We all know money is getting tighter for
everyone and more time is spend on legal CYA and requirements so we are
trying to understand.

The academy we thought we had a better understanding but looking at this
years meeting we were trying to break down topics and it seems like my
basic breakdown has the meeting topics:
1- cranial
5- diversity and inclusivity
5- lower limb orthotic
8- lower limb prosthetics
1- FOs
5- outcomes
1- positive work environment
1- politics
7- business/ audits/ accreditation type
2- 3D printing
4- upper limb prosthetics
3- residency/ education
1- adjustable o and p devices
3- general overall health/ population care

So my office is just curious about the fact that it seems like a large
amount of overlap so many people are curious why would people join both? Is
it enough of a difference? Seems like the lines have blurred a bit
especially in the current world environment so now every organization feels
certain topics around work environment and inclusivity must be discussed to
CYA as an organization or something. If someone went to this academy
meeting as a CO there is really about 7-8 scientific orthotic courses and
as a CP there are about 12-13 scientific courses plus the 5 outcomes ones
possibly. Just seems like at that point it could be 2 day scientific
meeting versus 3 and then the more business topics would be AOPA topics.
Again, this is our office inner talk that we had due to honestly not
understanding the professions organizations better.

Just wanted to start a hopefully respectful conversation for our
understanding and maybe there are some clarifications that could help many
of us who are busy with daily work to maybe not know the differences and
which organizations we want to join.

I am happy to share responses and maybe start a conversation that can be
productive and stay professional and respectful.



Aaron Laster, “Replies (part 3) "honest question about our o and p organizations",” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 22, 2024,