NC Medicaid - Change - Chapter President
Jim Del Bianco
NC Medicaid - Change - Chapter President
Jim Del Bianco
Dear NC practitioners,
I was not sure the best way to get this critical message out since not
every NC Practitioner is a member of our NC Chapter and associated email
list for Chapter members. Hopefully, this listserv is an acceptable way to
get the message out. Please share with any colleagues who may not be on the
Long story short Podiatrist can finally write a Rx for O&P services. This
has been very annoying for quite some time. Here is the official message:
Greetings and Welcome to 2022!
On behalf your NCAAOP Board, I would like to keep you up to date on
positive new changes taking effect this new year. We have lobbied for these
changes and invested a significant amount of effort in collaborating with
NC Medicaid. Please take a moment to read the below letter and press
release from NC Medicaid specifying podiatrists can now provide dispensing
prescriptions in appropriate cases.
Separately, In this new year please resolve to become a dues-paying member
of our NCAAOP Chapter. We are a volunteer organization advocating for you
and the greater profession of O & P here in North Carolina. Your $100
Membership dues helps to magnify our professional voice when we lobby for
these changes.
You can join here:
<URL Redacted>
NC Medicaid Press Release:
In compliance with NC Session Law 2021-180, Senate Bill 105, Section 9D.19
< <URL Redacted> >, effective January 1, 2022,
NC Medicaid, and NC HealthChoice DME/POS providers may issue medically
necessary equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies when prescribed
by a beneficiary's treating podiatric physician acting within their scope
of practice as defined in NC General Statute, Article 12A, § 90-202.2 –
90-202.14 and by the NC Board of Podiatry Examiners < <URL Redacted> >.
Additionally, due to changes made at 42CFR § 440.70, DME/POS providers may
accept visit notes from a beneficiary’s treating podiatric physician to
satisfy the face-to-face encounter required by the regulation.
As current NC Medicaid State Plan and DME/POS policy language does not
prohibit podiatric physician prescribing of appropriate DME/POS items, no
policy updates or State Plan amendments are required for compliance with
the NC Session Law cited above.
A bulletin article on this topic published today:
NC Medicaid
Jim Del Bianco
I was not sure the best way to get this critical message out since not
every NC Practitioner is a member of our NC Chapter and associated email
list for Chapter members. Hopefully, this listserv is an acceptable way to
get the message out. Please share with any colleagues who may not be on the
Long story short Podiatrist can finally write a Rx for O&P services. This
has been very annoying for quite some time. Here is the official message:
Greetings and Welcome to 2022!
On behalf your NCAAOP Board, I would like to keep you up to date on
positive new changes taking effect this new year. We have lobbied for these
changes and invested a significant amount of effort in collaborating with
NC Medicaid. Please take a moment to read the below letter and press
release from NC Medicaid specifying podiatrists can now provide dispensing
prescriptions in appropriate cases.
Separately, In this new year please resolve to become a dues-paying member
of our NCAAOP Chapter. We are a volunteer organization advocating for you
and the greater profession of O & P here in North Carolina. Your $100
Membership dues helps to magnify our professional voice when we lobby for
these changes.
You can join here:
<URL Redacted>
NC Medicaid Press Release:
In compliance with NC Session Law 2021-180, Senate Bill 105, Section 9D.19
< <URL Redacted> >, effective January 1, 2022,
NC Medicaid, and NC HealthChoice DME/POS providers may issue medically
necessary equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies when prescribed
by a beneficiary's treating podiatric physician acting within their scope
of practice as defined in NC General Statute, Article 12A, § 90-202.2 –
90-202.14 and by the NC Board of Podiatry Examiners < <URL Redacted> >.
Additionally, due to changes made at 42CFR § 440.70, DME/POS providers may
accept visit notes from a beneficiary’s treating podiatric physician to
satisfy the face-to-face encounter required by the regulation.
As current NC Medicaid State Plan and DME/POS policy language does not
prohibit podiatric physician prescribing of appropriate DME/POS items, no
policy updates or State Plan amendments are required for compliance with
the NC Session Law cited above.
A bulletin article on this topic published today:
NC Medicaid
Jim Del Bianco
Jim Del Bianco, “NC Medicaid - Change - Chapter President,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 14, 2025,