Fastscan Scanner

Charles King



Fastscan Scanner


Charles King




Hello List, 

I’m curious to learn people’s opinion on the Fastscanscanner (Polhemus/Aranz Medical), in whatever variant (Fastscan II, Cobra andpossibly even Scorpion variant).  Whatinterests me is the native .aop file export feature of the software.   This seems such a better approach thanexporting a scan as a .stl and then loading into a CAD program and exportingagain as an .AOP.   
Does this software work for you in exporting to the .aopformat?  I have had unreliable results inconverting files to .AOP from .stl, with artifacts being generated in thefile and I’m never quite sure if the model has been slightly changed in theprocess.  Therefore, think it would bebest to stick with the .aop format as the prime export.  

Also, if anyone has acquired a shop or retired and has oneof these scanner tangled up in a box unused, I’d be interested in talking withyou about acquiring it.
 If I've followed insturctions correctly, this link should be of a Fastscan Scanner:
<URL Redacted>
I should also ask if you have found this device to be a reliable tool? 

Thank you,



Charles King, “Fastscan Scanner,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 14, 2025,