2022 National Assembly Call for Presentations Now Open

Joy Burwell



2022 National Assembly Call for Presentations Now Open


Joy Burwell




The 105th AOPA National Assembly will be held in San Antonio, Texas on September 28- October 1, 2022. In addition to the in-person Assembly, virtual elements are being planned. There will be general sessions, as well as concurrent breakout tracks, an Expo, patient demonstrations, and workshops. To be part of the 2022 National Assembly, please submit proposals to the appropriate Workgroup as outlined below.

Clinical Education: If you are interested in presenting a Free Paper on an orthotic, prosthetic, or pedorthic topic, please complete the submission form ( <URL Redacted> ) and attach two copies of your abstract (one with author and contact information and the other blind, without your name and contact information). Your abstract must include: Title, Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Significance. Please take a few moments to review the sample abstract form ( <URL Redacted> ) which contains submission guidelines. Incomplete abstracts will be returned.

Business Education: Are you a seasoned business professional with significant experience in managing an orthotics and/or prosthetics patient care or manufacturing business? Share your successes at the 2022 National Assembly and compete for the prestigious Sam E. Hamontree Business Education Award. The winner of the Hamontree award will take home $1,000. The workgroup will select the top submissions to compete for the Hamontree award during the National Assembly-then the audience will select the winner. Complete the submission form ( <URL Redacted> ) today.

Post Mastectomy Education: New for 2022, the Assembly Committee will offer a two-day education track for Post-Mastectomy Fitters. The Post-Mastectomy Education workgroup is interested in reviewing a variety of submissions, but especially Case studies, Physiological/Emotional Care and Innovations, and Technology. Please complete the Post-Mastectomy Education submission form ( https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aopa.wufoo.com_forms_2022-2Dcall-2Dfor-2Dpostmastectomy-2Dpresentations_&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=6kF1ZMtS1Xjpapeu9Y1TXJXs9atQhx65CPO48jlSRDhw7hat0T8LKQPWJuWpu5gx&s=apqEbPkBSweShwq-cenO8LzQtO0QAT553yjqayUUucQ&e= ) to have your presentation considered.

Technical: Become a technical presenter during the 2022 National Assembly. The workgroup is looking for a wide variety of education to accommodate all levels of experience. New for 2022 is a session titled, Fabrication Tips and Tricks. This session will be based on your short videos featuring a fabrication tip or trick on a fabrication method. Videos should be 3-5 minutes in length and can be on a tool, fabrication technique, design, or other technical related problem-solving method. The audience will select the winner(s) and cash prizes of $500, $250, and $100 will be awarded. Indicate your interest on the submission form ( https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aopa.wufoo.com_forms_2022-2Dcall-2Dfor-2Dtechnical-2Dpresenters_&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=6kF1ZMtS1Xjpapeu9Y1TXJXs9atQhx65CPO48jlSRDhw7hat0T8LKQPWJuWpu5gx&s=FrV9qXhoPyZBVt62-mbmfhyS7LyO21fCAQ8oIEbYSuY&e= ) -your video can be updated later.

Digital O&P Care: New for 2022, The Digital O&P Care Workgroup was created because AOPA has found that the process of digital transformation in our field has progressed to a point where this topic deserves a track on its own at the assembly. The lines around traditional topics like CAD CAM, patient data management, and design for manufacturing in 3D printing have blurred and current computer programs tackle multiple aspects of the patient care. Additionally, the innovations in digital technology that are being discussed and in progress are likely to combine multiple aspects of O&P even more so we need to get ready for the future. Submit a presentation proposal for this innovative education track. The program will be divided into three categories featuring Data, Design, and Application. While the Digital O&P Care Workgroup is interested in a variety of education topics, they are specifically interested in the following.

  * DATA: Remote patient monitoring, App based data, DATA - What, When, How - Synthesis, and Implementation of an outcomes measuring program.
  * DESIGN: Modification Software, Remote education tools, CFab services, and Proper limb alignment in digital shape capture.
  * APPLICATION: Telehealth, HIPAA Compliance Online Digital, Collaborative - EMR with referrals, Digitizing fee schedules through AI, and Robotics in O&P. Please complete the Digital Education submission form ( https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aopa.wufoo.com_forms_2022-2Dcall-2Dfor-2Dop-2Ddigital-2Dpresentations_&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=6kF1ZMtS1Xjpapeu9Y1TXJXs9atQhx65CPO48jlSRDhw7hat0T8LKQPWJuWpu5gx&s=c0o3ulriusaz1aobMCG42AZ0QQycQGl0-6bFZ9dfrUk&e= ) to have your presentation considered.


  * Call for Papers Announcement: January 21
  * Call for Papers Submission Deadline: April 1
  * Paper Grading and Program Organized: April 15
  * Confirmation Letters to Presenters: May 2
  * Presenter Webpage available: May 16
  * Program on Website: May 20
  * Program Released and General Registration Open: June 1

Manufacturer Workshops are available (to exhibiting companies for purchase) for those manufacturers wishing to educate or promote a specific product line.

For further information regarding the submission process or the National Assembly in general, contact Tina Carlson at (571) 431-0808 or <Email Address Redacted> <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>>.

We look forward to receiving your submission.

Joy Burwell
Director of Communications and Membership
American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Direct: (571) 431-0817
Email: <Email Address Redacted> <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>>
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.AOPAnet.org&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=6kF1ZMtS1Xjpapeu9Y1TXJXs9atQhx65CPO48jlSRDhw7hat0T8LKQPWJuWpu5gx&s=a0Stq8JM3BPyVdk4zLWWUeSEdAxvsXliqA62ReffbKQ&e= < https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.aopanet.org_&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=6kF1ZMtS1Xjpapeu9Y1TXJXs9atQhx65CPO48jlSRDhw7hat0T8LKQPWJuWpu5gx&s=9XQU6QZ6dR8HyhGXJrVJujy30Ht0lr7LNoXyL98QbyI&e= >



Joy Burwell, “2022 National Assembly Call for Presentations Now Open,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed September 21, 2024, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/255713.