Quick survey: Knee Disarticulation vs Transfemoral
Eric Neufeld
Quick survey: Knee Disarticulation vs Transfemoral
Eric Neufeld
Hello list!
A local orthopedic surgeon is investigating opinions regarding amputation level. Specifically, he has asked us as a professional group to weigh in on perspectives related to knee disarticulation as compared to transfemoral.
If you have a moment, please help by completing this quick 3 question survey. It could lead to better outcomes for patients, and at a minimum elevate the conversation to include our perspective.
I will share all survey results with the listserv
Thanks very much!
Eric Neufeld CPO FAAOP
A Prosthetic-Orthotic Group Service Provider
p: 720.739.7266
f: 970.416.9359
< <URL Redacted> >agileortho.com< <URL Redacted> >
Please book a meeting here< https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__calendly.com_agileortho&d=DwIFAw&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=CuNCbuh3FYHyEyntMomr4bqZDett7qyf3Xdt1fLEdDY&s=A-5Rjif1yE8TxrOPse98JK7hVaTP7DHgH6244B7d7nI&e= >
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A local orthopedic surgeon is investigating opinions regarding amputation level. Specifically, he has asked us as a professional group to weigh in on perspectives related to knee disarticulation as compared to transfemoral.
If you have a moment, please help by completing this quick 3 question survey. It could lead to better outcomes for patients, and at a minimum elevate the conversation to include our perspective.
I will share all survey results with the listserv
Thanks very much!
Eric Neufeld CPO FAAOP
A Prosthetic-Orthotic Group Service Provider
p: 720.739.7266
f: 970.416.9359
< <URL Redacted> >agileortho.com< <URL Redacted> >
Please book a meeting here< https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__calendly.com_agileortho&d=DwIFAw&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=KmuawjwNpT9A2bnhzaNVjw8wO7L_TDosEXIk33h_tlw&m=CuNCbuh3FYHyEyntMomr4bqZDett7qyf3Xdt1fLEdDY&s=A-5Rjif1yE8TxrOPse98JK7hVaTP7DHgH6244B7d7nI&e= >
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Eric Neufeld, “Quick survey: Knee Disarticulation vs Transfemoral,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/255615.