Naked Prosthetics PIP breaking

Jeffrey Ropp



Naked Prosthetics PIP breaking


Jeffrey Ropp




Hello members,
I have a patient with the second and third digit (index and middle finger) needing PIP prostheses from Naked Prosthetics. He has worn them successfully for a year and a half but has broken the attachment to the tip of the PIP prosthesis at the distal joint connection. The NP warranty is for only a year and I was wondering if anyone has been having this type of failure so quickly with the PIP prostheses they have gotten from NP? I will post the replies when I get them.
Thank you,

Jeffrey Ropp, C.P.
Ropp Orthopedic Clinic, LLC
2075 E. West Maple Rd., Suite B-207 Commerce Township, MI 48390
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Jeffrey Ropp, “Naked Prosthetics PIP breaking,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,